Showing posts with label programming. Show all posts
Showing posts with label programming. Show all posts

Create Impressive Website Design with CSS3

CSS3 is used in organizing the style and layout of Web pages. It is the latest standard in the CSS series. CSS3 offers a wide variety of new trends to make an impact with your web designs. With many exciting new functions and features, CSS can be used as a powerful tool in website designing and development. A CSS3 refers to the technical stipulation of a layout. It ensures that a web page will appear precisely the way the website developer has specified.
 As a website designer we have to look into the capabilities of CSS3 and need to make the most of it. The basic approach of CSS3 in web designing is to make the web page user friendly by removing loads of complications from it. The changes that CSS3 has brought into the website development market are quite amazing. Using CSS3 can speed up the process of website design and development and also speed up your website.

 1. Better search engine results:

With CSS3, you can keep your HTML code much cleaner which in turn helps search engine crawler in getting the real content from your site very easily. You can also put any content anywhere in your web page and no longer each individual page have to be simplified to replicate the new style. By using this website design technique you will make much greater consistency throughout the site easily.

2. Lightweight coding:

In the field of website development, no one likes to wait for anything to come. This condition also applies in loading of web pages. When a website page takes a lot of time to load, generally users leave that page. By using CSS3, web pages can be made lighter which will allow the site to load faster. As table layout format is not used in CSS3, the sites acquire less memory and load faster.

3. Accessibility and usability:

In website designing you have to make it understandable that the content of the site must be validated in all formats of the browsers. A web designer has better control over a website by using CSS3. CSS3 allows for more compatible style elements, including font size and line heights through which web pages can be used more easily by people with disabilities. Website developers can craft specific CSS files especially for printing, or mobile devices, as well as the customary computer screen and in doing so making websites fully multimedia applications.

4. Isolation and Differentiation:

With the introduction of the CSS3 format, website designers have a lot to offer in development of a web page. CSS3 allows changes and modifications to be made in individual modules. CSS3 format helps users in separating presentation from structures. In this technique, style sheets defined presentational characteristics whereas the document structures were defined in separate heading. This eases the maintenance of the web page in efficient and comfortable manner.

When you start styling your content with CSS3 modules, you will probably never want to go back to using the old tags for styling.

You must use CSS3 to determine its full potential. Flexibility is the most useful features of using Cascading Style Sheets. One of the important things you require to gaze at before using this technique is what browsers the greater part of your users uses to visit your website. The reason behind this question is that it sometimes may be very difficult to make your CSS sprites friendly with many of the browsers depending on the techniques you use.

The benefits of using CSS3

Since the early days of the Internet, if you wanted more than just a flat color, you had to use images for your web designs. Gradients, drop shadows, and other elements had to be added in Photoshop—but things have since changed. Over the past couple of years, CSS has advanced to the point that you can add these things using coding that is interpreted in the browser. Although CSS3 doesn't have full support from every browser just yet, it is a huge step ahead for the design community. And here are just a few of the reasons why.

Better usability. Using coding instead of images means that your pages will load faster. It cuts down on the amount of HTTP requests, which means less bandwidth is taken up and the network runs more smoothly. Furthermore, using images isn't always good for universal usability; it could make it difficult for people using devices other than a desktop or laptop computer to access and navigate the pages. This is especially true for smart phones. The small screen size causes the images to load slowly and become distorted. By using hard coding, then the website's overall layout and design will look better in all browsers.

Smaller file sizes. One of the reasons why web pages using CSS3 load faster is because the file sizes are smaller. In addition to loading faster, having smaller file sizes saves room on the server and the computer, both when the page is created and when it is loaded in the browser window. Using CSS3 means that less resources are used.

Faster development time. Another area that CSS3 excels at is saving time when it comes to the development stages of building a website. Coding takes less time than creating the effects in Photoshop and going back and forth between your computer and the FTP client. Furthermore, when you need to make changes and see what they look like live, you can simply tweak the coding in the CSS file and save it, then refresh the page, whereas using image files, you'd have to save the images and upload them all to the FTP before you could refresh the page. Although the time may seem negligible for each image, managing more than a couple of images will cause the time to build up.

Although it may be some time before CSS3 is instated as protocol, it is already being utilized and steps are being taken towards making it standard. There are too many benefits to let it fall by the wayside. So even though there are still browsers that don't fully support CSS3, it is beneficial to use it along with a fallback, to make your sites ready for the future.

Thanks for reading this post , if you have any question about this Article Please feel free to comment i will help you inshallah any way. keep visiting My Blog Daily : By.

Let's Understand CSS In The Right Perspective.

Style sheets have been around in one form or another since the beginnings of HTML in the early 1990s.

As the HTML language grew, however, it came to encompass a wider variety of stylistic capabilities to meet the demands of web developers . With such capabilities, style sheets became less important, and an external language for the purposes of defining style attributes was not widely accepted until the development of CSS.

Teething problems with implementation of CSS

Many implementations of CSS are fraught with inconsistencies, bugs and other Authors have commonly had to use hacks and workarounds in order to obtain consistent results across web browsers and platforms.
One of the most well-known CSS bugs is the Internet Explorer box model bug; box widths are interpreted incorrectly in several versions of the browser, resulting in blocks which appear as expected in most browsers, but are too narrow when viewed in Internet Explorer. The bug can be avoided, but not without some cost in terms of functionality.

This is just one of hundreds of CSS bugs that have been documented in various versions of Internet Explorer,Netscape Mozilla , and Opera, many of which reduce the legibility of documents. The proliferation of such bugs in CSS implementations has made it difficult for designers to achieve a consistent appearance across platforms.

Currently there is strong competition between Mozilla's Gecko layout engine, Opera's Presto layout engine, and the KHTML engine used in both Apple's Safari and the Linux Konqueror browsers - each of them is leading in different aspects of CSS. Internet Explorer remains the worst at rendering CSS by standards set down by World Wide Web Consortium as of 2005.

Some breakthroughs ...

These problems have precisely led the W3C to revise the CSS2 standard into CSS2.1, which may be regarded as something of a working snapshot of current CSS support. CSS2 properties which no browser had successfully implemented were dropped, and in a few cases, defined behaviours were changed to bring the standard into line with the predominant existing implementations..

What makes style sheets significant enough?

Style sheet represents an enormous step forward for the Web. With the separation of content and presentation between HTML and style sheets, the Web no longer needs to drift away from the strong ideal of platform independence that provided the medium with its initial push of popularity. Authors can finally influence the presentation of documents without leaving pages unreadable to users

A style sheet is made up of style rules that tell a browser how to present a document. There are various ways of linking these style rules to your HTML documents, but the simplest method for starting out is to use HTML's STYLE element. This element is placed in the document HEAD, and it contains the style rules for the page.

Functionality and Usage of CSS

CSS is well-designed to allow the separation of presentation and structure. Prior to CSS, nearly all of the presentational attributes of an HTML document were contained within the HTML code; all font colors, background styles, element alignments, borders and sizes had to be explicitly described, often repeatedly, in the midst of the HTML code.

CSS allows authors to move much of that information to a stylesheet, resulting in considerably simpler HTML code. The HTML documents become much smaller and web browsers will usually cache sites' CSS stylesheets. This leads to a reduction in network traffic and noticeably quicker page downloads.

For example, the HTML element h2 specifies that the text contained within it is a level two heading. It has a lower level of importance than h1 headings, but a higher level of importance than h3 headings. This aspect of the h2 element is structural .

Customarily, headings are rendered in decreasing order of size, with h1 as the largest, because larger headings are usually interpreted to have greater importance than smaller ones. Headings are also typically rendered in a bold font in order to give them additional emphasis. The h2 element may be rendered in bold face, and in a font larger than h3 but smaller than h1 . This aspect of the h2 element is presentational .

Prior to CSS, document authors who wanted to assign a specific color, font, size, or other characteristic to all h2 headings had to use the HTML font element for each occurrence of that heading type.

Moreover, CSS can be used with XML, to allow such structured documents to be rendered with full stylistic control over layout, typography, color, and so forth in any suitable user agent or web browser.

CSS has its share of inconsistencies as well
CSS may at times be misused, particularly by the author of web documents. Some developers who are accustomed to designing documents strictly in HTML may overlook or ignore the enabling features of CSS. For instance, a document author who is comfortable with HTML markup that mixes presentation with structure may opt to use strictly embedded CSS styles in all documents. While this may be an improvement over using deprecated HTML presentational markup, it suffers from some of the same problems that mixed-markup HTML does; specifically, it entails a similar amount of document maintenance.

Discrepancies compared: CSS vs programming languages

CSS also shares some pitfalls common with programming languages. In particular, the problem of choosing appropriate names for CSS classes and identifiers may afflict CSS authors. In the attempt to choose descriptive names for CSS classes, authors might associate the class name with desired presentational attributes; for example, a CSS class to be applied to emphasized text might be named "bigred," implying that it is rendered in a large red font.

While such a choice of naming may be intuitive to the document author, it can cause problems if the author later decides that the emphasized text should instead be green; the author is left with a CSS class called "bigred" that describes something that is green. In this instance, a more appropriate class name might have been "emphasized," to better describe the purpose or intent of the class, rather than the appearance of elements of that class.

In a programming language, such a misuse might be analogous to using a variable name "five" for a variable which contains the value 5; however, if the value of the variable changes to 7, the name is no longer appropriate.

CSS in a nutshell

CSS is used by both the authors and readers of web pages to define colors, fonts, layout, and other aspects of document presentation. It is designed primarily to enable the separation of document structure (written in HTML or a similar markup language) from document presentation (written in CSS).

This separation provides a number of benefits, including improved content accessibility, greater flexibility and control in the specification of presentational characteristics, and reduced complexity of the structural content. CSS is also capable of controlling the document's style separately in alternative rendering methods, such as on-screen in print, by voice (when read out by a speech-based browser or screen reader) and on braille based, tactile devices.

CSS allows complete and total control over the style of a hypertext document. The only way this can be illustrated in a way that gets people excited is by demonstrating what it can truly be, once the reins are placed in the hands of those able to create beauty from structure.

Thank you for reading this post .If you have any questions please feel free to comment and keep visiting my blog for more tips and tricks.

Tips To Becoming a Better PHP Developer

Friend i hope you are all in good condition, Today i am going to share with you something  again about php programming to help you get to grips with this demanding language, we've put together some top tips to becoming a better PHP developer and hopefully getting better PHP developer jobs.
And i am going to share with you some tips and you have to follow these tips.

Tip 1 - Use PHP functions and classes

PHP has core functions and classes to make your life easier.So if you're looking to do something reasonably common, it's worth taking a look through the PHP manual before you get started with creating your own functions. For example there are existing functions and classes that get rid of white space at the beginning and end of a string (just use the trim () function).

Tip 2 –Create a master file

By creating a master file for your database connection settings and including it in your PHP scripts, if you ever need to change details you only need to change them in one file rather than multiple files. Using a configuration file like this is a great way to make your code easier to manager.

Tip 3 – Sanitize your data

Sanitizing your data when inputting it is the only way to stop SQL injections from causing you havoc. This is all part of learning about ways your application can be compromised – and luckily PHP have a core function (see top tip 1) which will sanitize your regular string inputs: mysql_real_escape_string. Using htmlspecialchars is another function which will help protect your database as it converts html characters and safeguards your application against cross-site scripting attacks.

Tip 4 – Leave error reports switched ON

When developing an application its likely you will come across some errors. Leaving error reports switched on makes finding and solving the error much easier. Error reports can be set up in your server's php.ini file or you can set them on top of your own PHP scripts by using the ini_set () function and setting display_errors to 1. Setting error reports on top of your own PHP scripts however does have its limitations so if you can access the server php.ini files it's probably best to set error reports from there.

Tip 5 – Over commenting is bad!

Comments are great but it's not necessary to add comments to every line of code. Too many comments over complicate things and good code should be pretty self-explanatory most of the time!

Tip 6 – Keep and re-use your old code

As you go through your career as a PHP developer, you are likely to come across the same challenges time and time again. As a result it's a good idea to keep hold of and re-use any particularly good pieces of code or pieces you think you might use again. Most integrated development environments have built-in features for exactly this purpose.

Tip 7 – Make the most of available help with editing.

Editing is one of the biggest time consuming processes in developing code for your application, as a result to save you time; you need to get a good editing tool. Sytanx highlighting should almost certainly be included and other optional benefits you should look for are code hinting, code navigation and built-in de-bugging tools. In order to get the most from these tools it's important to learn about your code editor's features before you get going.

Tip 8 – Use a PHP Framework

Using a framework may seem like hard work in the first instance as you'll need to get to grips with how the framework itself works, but in the long run using a PHP framework will pay off, especially when you have to share your code or work alongside someone else. Using frameworks such as CakePHP, CodeIgniter, Symfony and Zend offers you a standardized platform for building your web applications.

Tip 9 – Find a MySQL Admin tool and use it

When you're getting started in PHP it's important to get to know how to work with MySQL via command line, however when you're developing a lot of code it's incredibly time consuming to manage your database in this way. Using your MySQL admin tool you should be able to build databases and their tables quickly, export your databases in to SQL files, optimize you tables, check for any issues there might be, run SQL queries and create MySQL database users in a much more time efficient manner.

Tip 10 – Network

PHP is a massive subject to learn and your probably never going to know it all, so network, get involved in PHP forums and chat with other PHP developers. Sharing your experiences and sometimes even your code snippets can be hugely beneficial and keeps you learning and developing throughout your career. Using these top tips should help save you time and keep learning how to develop great code.

Thank you for reading this post .If you have any questions please feel free to comment and keep visiting my blog for more tips and tricks.

7 Tips for Joomla Developers To Improve Their Joomla Skills

Developers working on Joomla need to know about updates and tools that are regularly launched. There are too many ways such as planning of content, SEO, queries and scripts that can lead Joomla developers to improve their skills. We have provided with 7 tips for Joomla developers to improve their Joomla skills. In having an expanded knowledge on the style sheets there will be better placement of footers, headers and background colors. Thoroughly knowing the templates will let one know about page setting and modifications in individual web pages. Here are the tips to follow :

Optimization for a Website

While handling CSS and knowing about securities in Joomla it is important to user statistics, visitor trends and other traffic related details. In order to know how to do optimization in Joomla one must learn about how to optimize images, know about, go deep inside Joomla to know all about it without opting for easier extensions and search for a good Joomla web host. Knowing about the above mentioned things will open up ways to plan and combine all of them to start optimization for a Joomla website.


A website in the present times is all about the right kind of style and category wise modification. When it comes to styling, CSS or cascading style sheets form the foundation of a website design. Joomla developers must extensively know how to set page structures, set the sidebars, footers and headers in web pages. Having proper knowledge in CSS will make for a brilliant web designer. Other areas that need to be known are fonts, background colors, borders and various ways of image display.


In order to improve Joomla skills it is important to gain knowledge on JavaScript. A website is made functional with the help of front end designing done with JavaScript. Latest Jooma versions require jQuery tool implementations. A lot of website actions can be changed and give new dimensions with the help of JavaScript programming and jQuery utility tools. These two programming languages help a developer in solving problems during troubleshooting, adapting to extensions and implementing quick fixes to website functionalities.


Knowing how to integrate tools and functions in Joomla it is important to know all about PHP. Changes in websites will be easier by knowing PHP scripts and codes. Forms can be changed and templates can be re-arranged. In order to know inner complexities in Joomla that include extensions, templates and Joomla as a whole it is necessary to understand PHP.

Website Planning

In developing a website it is important to plan and create a map of all the things that need to be included. One must work hard in knowing about Copy writing, Website goal planning, Project management tools, Traffic and resource estimation for busy websites, planning of sitemaps in order to place navigation and give structure to the website and Choosing color pallets.


Firebug must be known in order to have a good breakthrough in Joomla developer skills. Inspection, checks and guarantee are three most important functions for this Firefox plugin. It is a very handy learning tool that allows easy and fast inspection of website elements. Changes in CSS are also done with the help of Firebug.

Google Analytics

This is a commonly used tool that works in compliance with website traffic. Latest Joomla templates come with easy implementation procedures for Analytics code. Website visitors are tracked. Metrics can be improved based on Google Analytics readings. Some of the utilities in Analytics that need to be known are Bounce rates, Web traffic, Website usability and Website conversion.

Thank you Friends.
For More Tips and Tricks Daily visit my Blog :

Tips for Learning Simple Php

When you are trying to learn a new programming language like PHP, it can get a bit intimidating, especially if you have never had experience with other programming languages before. But trust me, the toughest hurdle is really the starting point. Once you have gotten over that, it is really just a matter of keeping your focus and practicing. Be patient and learn the steps one at a time and you will get there. Here are some tips to help you learn simple PHP:
I have compiled my few tips for learning PHP quickly for beginners. It is sometimes difficult to get started when learning a new programming language and I hope these tips help you. These tips will help you stay organized, learn quickly, and help get over any hurdles you may encounter.

Let's get started.

Tip 1) Start fresh. I try to start every project with a fresh clean page. If you try to take code from someone else and convert it to yours syntax can get missed or worse they may not have done it right either. As you get going you can make a template of all the things you might put in a project like title and other things but starting out I like to start fresh. This also helps work the basic set up into every project.

Tip 2) Use error reporting. All PHP has a snippet of code that will allow you to see any errors that may come up.

// Report all PHP errors.

// Don't enable on production servers




By seeing the errors you will know what to look for and what is going wrong. This can seriously help you learn PHP quickly and help you get over the hurdles starting out.

Tip 3) Check the manual: The online PHP manual is probably the most comprehensive manual for any programming language that is free and out there on the web. It is also one of the best resources for learning PHP quickly that is better than any book you could buy.

Tip 4) Ask a forum: There are plenty of forums out there that have tons of knowledge for beginners. There are also plenty of people that do not mind helping others. Find a couple and post your questions. The forums are another place to learn PHP quickly because other people have the same questions you do. Search the forums and see what's up.

Learn the basics.

To learn a new language, specifically a programming language, you will need to have basic computer skills. Before you can learn PHP, you need to have a basic background on HTML. This is necessary to make PHP easier to grasp. Plus, you can alternate between the two later on using the same document.

PHP is a language that uses scripting and often used with HTML to supplement functions that HTML lacks. With PHP, you can collect and process data, make comparisons and calculations things that you can not do with HTML. Using this skill, you can create other functions to produce data that is more specialized.

Get the tools.

To create PHP pages, you will need a text editor. A plain text editor is a program that lets you edit files in plain text. These are the ones that come with extensions such as. php, .cgi, .html, etc. These types of text editors will not save formatting on the file, only the plain text. If you have been using a text editing program for your HTML file, that will do. you will probably use either Notepad (for Windows) or Text Edit (for Mac).

Get an FTP.

A File Transfer Protocol or FTP is used to exchange files from your computer to a remote server. This is the one we use to connect on a LAN or to an Internet site.

Get busy.

Once you have the right tools, you will have to practice creating files using PHP. There are some very important stuff that you will need to learn, including basic mathematics and IF statements and using variables. you will have to go through these first before you can hope to build a reliable PHP file. 
Once you know your way around these skills, you can then start learning about loops. Loops are just your basic true or false statements that will perform repetitive actions again and again until certain conditions are met. After mastering the loops, you can then learn how to write your very own functions. Once you have learned how to manipulate the codes to create your desired result, there is virtually no limit to what you can do.

Online resources for learning simple PHP

You can not possibly learn simple PHP from a single short article like this, so it is best to expand your knowledge and turn to other resources like books and online sites. Some sites to check out:

There are several articles on this site that discuss the most basic information you need to know to learn simple PHP. This is a great source for web based tutorial that features clear step by step instructions on using PHP, HTML, XML and MySQL databases.

This site contains Quick Start tutorials on PHP and scripts that will make it easy for you to learn the program easily. This includes a brief introduction and learning basic PHP syntax. There are also valuable tutorials on using cookies, data inscription and working with functions and sessions using PHP.

This is a site for people who want to learn both PHP and MySQL. The site has 90 tutorials on PHP, more than 400 PHP code examples and nearly 3,000 articles that discuss various information, tips and tricks to make learning simple PHP quick and easy.

Thank you Friends

What you need to know about CSS ( Some Basic or Advance Tips )

Style sheet is a progressive breakthrough for the advancement of web. Today, more and more browsers are implementing style sheets, opening authors' eyes to unique features that allow influence over presentation while preserving platform independence. The advantages of style sheets have become - apparent -- and the disadvantage of continually creating more HTML tags -- galore -- for presentation effects with the gradual development of CSS.

Let's understand CSS in the right perspective.

Style sheets in retrospect

Style sheets have been around in one form or another since the beginnings of HTML in the early 1990s.

As the HTML language grew, however, it came to encompass a wider variety of stylistic capabilities to meet the demands of web developers . With such capabilities, style sheets became less important, and an external language for the purposes of defining style attributes was not widely accepted until the development of CSS.

Teething problems with implementation of CSS

Many implementations of CSS are fraught with inconsistencies, bugs and other Authors have commonly had to use hacks and workarounds in order to obtain consistent results across web browsers and platforms.

One of the most well-known CSS bugs is the Internet Explorer box model bug; box widths are interpreted incorrectly in several versions of the browser, resulting in blocks which appear as expected in most browsers, but are too narrow when viewed in Internet Explorer. The bug can be avoided, but not without some cost in terms of functionality.

This is just one of hundreds of CSS bugs that have been documented in various versions of Internet Explorer,Netscape Mozilla , and Opera, many of which reduce the legibility of documents. The proliferation of such bugs in CSS implementations has made it difficult for designers to achieve a consistent appearance across platforms.

Currently there is strong competition between Mozilla's Gecko layout engine, Opera's Presto layout engine, and the KHTML engine used in both Apple's Safari and the Linux Konqueror browsers - each of them is leading in different aspects of CSS. Internet Explorer remains the worst at rendering CSS by standards set down by World Wide Web Consortium as of 2005.

Some breakthroughs ...

These problems have preisely led the W3C to revise the CSS2 standard into CSS2.1, which may be regarded as something of a working snapshot of current CSS support. CSS2 properties which no browser had successfully implemented were dropped, and in a few cases, defined behaviours were changed to bring the standard into line with the predominant existing implementations..

What makes style sheets significant enough?

Style sheet represents an enormous step forward for the Web. With the separation of content and presentation between HTML and style sheets, the Web no longer needs to drift away from the strong ideal of platform independence that provided the medium with its initial push of popularity. Authors can finally influence the presentation of documents without leaving pages unreadable to users

A style sheet is made up of style rules that tell a browser how to present a document. There are various ways of linking these style rules to your HTML documents, but the simplest method for starting out is to use HTML's STYLE element. This element is placed in the document HEAD, and it contains the style rules for the page.

Functionality and Usage of CSS

CSS is well-designed to allow the separation of presentation and structure. Prior to CSS, nearly all of the presentational attributes of an HTML document were contained within the HTML code; all font colors, background styles, element alignments, borders and sizes had to be explicitly described, often repeatedly, in the midst of the HTML code.

CSS allows authors to move much of that information to a stylesheet, resulting in considerably simpler HTML code. The HTML documents become much smaller and web browsers will usually cache sites' CSS stylesheets. This leads to a reduction in network traffic and noticeably quicker page downloads.

For example, the HTML element h2 specifies that the text contained within it is a level two heading. It has a lower level of importance than h1 headings, but a higher level of importance than h3 headings. This aspect of the h2 element is structural .

Customarily, headings are rendered in decreasing order of size, with h1 as the largest, because larger headings are usually interpreted to have greater importance than smaller ones. Headings are also typically rendered in a bold font in order to give them additional emphasis. The h2 element may be rendered in bold face, and in a font larger than h3 but smaller than h1 . This aspect of the h2 element is presentational .

Prior to CSS, document authors who wanted to assign a specific color, font, size, or other characteristic to all h2 headings had to use the HTML font element for each occurrence of that heading type.

Moreover, CSS can be used with XML, to allow such structured documents to be rendered with full stylistic control over layout, typography, color, and so forth in any suitable user agent or web browser.

CSS has its share of inconsistencies as well

CSS may at times be misused, particularly by the author of web documents. Some developers who are accustomed to designing documents strictly in HTML may overlook or ignore the enabling features of CSS. For instance, a document author who is comfortable with HTML markup that mixes presentation with structure may opt to use strictly embedded CSS styles in all documents. While this may be an improvement over using deprecated HTML presentational markup, it suffers from some of the same problems that mixed-markup HTML does; specifically, it entails a similar amount of document maintenance.

Discrepancies compared: CSS vs programming languages

CSS also shares some pitfalls common with programming languages. In particular, the problem of choosing appropriate names for CSS classes and identifiers may afflict CSS authors. In the attempt to choose descriptive names for CSS classes, authors might associate the class name with desired presentational attributes; for example, a CSS class to be applied to emphasized text might be named "bigred," implying that it is rendered in a large red font.

While such a choice of naming may be intuitive to the document author, it can cause problems if the author later decides that the emphasized text should instead be green; the author is left with a CSS class called "bigred" that describes something that is green. In this instance, a more appropriate class name might have been "emphasized," to better describe the purpose or intent of the class, rather than the appearance of elements of that class.

In a programming language, such a misuse might be analogous to using a variable name "five" for a variable which contains the value 5; however, if the value of the variable changes to 7, the name is no longer appropriate.

CSS in a nutshell

CSS is used by both the authors and readers of web pages to define colors, fonts, layout, and other aspects of document presentation. It is designed primarily to enable the separation of document structure (written in HTML or a similar markup language) from document presentation (written in CSS).

This separation provides a number of benefits, including improved content accessibility, greater flexibility and control in the specification of presentational characteristics, and reduced complexity of the structural content. CSS is also capable of controlling the document's style separately in alternative rendering methods, such as on-screen in print, by voice (when read out by a speech-based browser or screen reader) and on braille based, tactile devices.

CSS allows complete and total control over the style of a hypertext document. The only way this can be illustrated in a way that gets people excited is by demonstrating what it can truly be, once the reins are placed in the hands of those able to create beauty from structure.

Thank you Friends.

For more Tips and Tricks Daily visit my blog.

How to write a better CSS code?

CSS or cascading stylesheet can be written with different coding styles. A well organized and neat CSS code is a crucial feature of PSD to HTML conversion would make the process more efficient and cleaner. Well defined CSS code leads to lesser difficulty in managing or editing in the longer run. In this article, we would discuss the 10 tips or suggestions on how to write a better CSS code.
One line per rule

A problem for developers and programmers is to have multiple rules within a single line. Code efficiency is important as better coding leads to fast navigation and higher performance. The benefit to writing CSS code with a single line is to develop separate lines after lines of codes in the longer run. From a one line to a given code and separating lines better efficiency is gained for CSS.

Meaningful names for IDs and classes

Modifications and changes to a given ID or class so as to have a different CSS stylesheet necessarily requires a meaningful name. Meaningful names for IDs and classes increases the referencing for CSS. With the referencing for what the HTML stands for, the coder figures out and leads to an effective code.

Remain consistent

Changes to a coding pattern for the CSS code does not recover in the long run. With a CSS code one should remain consistent and steady with a code pattern. The coder must not opt for easy editing and choose to style the CSS with different lines of code as this can disrupt the code pattern and lead to imbalance.

CSS inheritance

The CSS inheritance is one of the numerous ways to gain reduction to CSS file size. The inheritance is called CSS, object oriented cascading style sheet. The CSS defines how to benefit when multiple style properties are similar within the child element of parent element, it is far better to have the definition for a parent element only.


Another way of maintaining coding for CSS code is possible from indentation. From indentation a CSS code can be organized and neatly designed to be worked with later. The CSS coding is far relevant with an easier readable code and code identification between lines.

Shorthand CSS code

A shorthand code for making CSS code brings a fast speed to PSD to HTML concersionprocess. From the reduction in clutter, the CSS would be better and easier to manage. Applying shorthand CSS code is much better in clarifying the neatness and reducing objections to CSS writing speed. CSS code would be that much more cleaner from a shorthand CSS code.

Start with CSS reset

CSS resets are important for ensuring that the browsers display the items properly. CSS coding would become easier to get various browsers to display the layout as the same. Using the CSS resets would lend more credibility from having correct styled displays.

Splitting into multiple files

Where there are countless number of CSS lines it is better to separate CSS into multiple groups with multiple files. This indicates that the CSS coding is much easier and time saving from locating CSS code blocks instead of searching for one file with thousands of lines.


While doing PSD to HTML conversion, using a comment on CSS code would be better to manage and locating the code blocks effectively. Comments can neatly organize the code into similar elements and groups with simple comments can be defined. Searching, fixing and mailing with code groups can maintain and make easier the organizations to CSS code.

Separating hacks

The normal process of conditional elements and hacks is included within the CSS code. More importantly by keeping the hacks separate from style.css file would lead to hacks being not mixed with rest of code, edits and adjustments more easier. Managing CSS code is swift without affecting the main CSS code.

Thank You Friends,

What you should consider while hiring a Website Development Company?

Therefore, the results are that there is no improvement in the sales and there is no traffic on your website, which in turn degrades market value of your company and performance as well.

Having the right kind of knowledge about the web development industry is helpful to get the desired results and make web development a worthwhile process. Therefore, you should know beforehand what important things you should look at while hiring a web development company. Moreover, if you want to beat the intense competition lurking out then it is highly essential to take help from professional.

First thing that you should see, is that while hiring Web Development Company, the cost factor involved in it. An affordable web development will provide you competitive edge and good work. Therefore, you must avoid web development firms that will rob you in the name of web development. Always look for and hire a web development company that provides affordable and professional web development service India.

Second thing that you must make sure is that the company is experienced in web development and will have a market reputation only these companies can give you reliable work and work which is globally recognized by all. Along with this, a good web development company will ensure success id it had time and quality management skills. All this ensures future security in retention of your prospective clients. If the company you hire completes the work given on time and gives the best quality work in the most affordable rates, what can be better than this?
Thirdly coding is a factor that has to be looked upon by you, as it is essential to know the scripts and codes your web development company is going to use for your site. Hiring a web development company, which uses symmetrical and systematic presentation of codes, is sensible. This will provide convenience in error detection and assist in easy and smooth management of projects and effective time management.

Fourth is that your website should look simple and not complicated as people do not have time in today's time and if your website will not be user friendly visitors will not stick with your website for long. If your web design Delhi would keep it simple and attractive then you can judge how knowledgeable they are as no website can gain traffic and profits if it highly complex.

Lastly, the most important factors you need to consider while hiring your web development company is use of development technologies that are in trend. Understand that latest web development tools and technologies are signs that a company must have that are developing website for you. Always try to hire a company that is innovative and creative in web development if you want to leave behind your competitors.

Basic requirements for website development in PHP

As you know that Websites are good for many purposes, basically it is the mirror of our business. We should be focused to make it as simple as an online brochure for your business or an online resume, which allows proposed employers to view your portfolio. Websites are also considered as a complex shopping tool where customers can buy the products as well as services. So we get from here that how much website is important to us for the growth of the business that's why here I am going to share about the ideas of website development. In this article I basically focus on the PHP development that what are the techniques which are needed to make the website in PHP. The first step which we have to look for at the time of building a website in PHP is to determine the purpose of your site. In future, this purpose will help you develop a mission statement for the site, which will help you to keep your project on task and focused. Without focus, you can't able to design the website to meet with the client demand. The point is, there are numerous numbers of features and functionality that you can add to your site, but only implementing the features is not the motive, the main motto is to get the things done perfectly.

Here we would like to mention the very basics of PHP in a short and simple way. This text only deals with dynamic web page designing with PHP, by the way I would like to mention one thing that  PHP is not only efficient of creating web pages. See the section titled what PHP can do for more information.
PHP-enabled web pages are considered just like normal HTML pages where you can create and edit in the same manner as you are simply creating regular HTML pages.
In this article we assume that your server has activated support for PHP and that all files ending in .php are handled by PHP. On most of the server it is the default extension for PHP files, but asks your server administrator to be assured that if your server guiding PHP, then you do not need to do anything. Just create your .php files; put them in your web directory and the server will automatically dissect it for you. Neither there is need of compile anything nor any need of installing any extra tools.

Let's take an example if you want to save precious bandwidth and develop it on local server then in that case you need to install a web server, such as » Apache, and of course » PHP. You will most likely want to install a database as well, such as » MySQL.

You may either install these individually or there is also other simple option to do it, you may manually installed instructions for PHP. If you meet with any problem while installing PHP yourself, I may suggest you to ask your questions on our » installation mailing list and if you look to go on the simplest route, then » locate a pre-configured package for your OS, which itself installs all of these with just having some clicks on it.

These are the basic things which we required during designing the website in PHP, I mentioned only the basic thing because there are few more things to have specialization in PHP. But for the beginners it will be the best to start.

Enjoy Friends .

Using PHP To Validate Form Fields

When it comes to validating the data that people enter into fields in a form on a web page, JavaScript is quite often used to perform client-side validation. PHP can, however, be used to perform the validation on the server, before the data is processed. This provides a more elegant way of performing the validation because when there is an issue with a particular field, the user is returned to that field rather than a general popup being displayed, which is the way the validation works using JavaScript.

Look at the following form.

This form contains a function at the top of the web page (fieldError) that is called to check whether there is an error for the 'current' field. In this example we only have one field called 'name', but the same function call could be made for as many fields as necessary.

If there is an error for the field, an appropriate error message (see below) is displayed above the field. This is useful because where a form contains several fields, it is sometimes difficult to know to which field a JavaScript-generated error applies.

This script is the form handler. In this example, the only thing the form handler does is to check that the 'name' field is not empty. In a 'real' form handler, the script would go on to process the data in some way once it had been validated.

The $errors array is initially cleared to make sure that any previous errors are removed, otherwise the script would keep thinking that the errors still applied.

After that the $name variable is checked to see if it contains any data. If it is empty, an error message is inserted into the $errors array. A check is then performed to see if the $errors array contains any items; if it does, the user is returned to the form and the error message is displayed above the field.

Enjoy Friends.........!