Showing posts with label blogging. Show all posts
Showing posts with label blogging. Show all posts

5 Reasons Many Blogs Fail

Blogging itself is not very difficult however many blogs fail due to a number of reasons! As much as many bloggers want to blame outside factors, their failure can often be found rooted in their own personal attributes!

Let's look at 5 common reasons blog success tends to elude so many and why personal attributes can often be the blame!

Lack of Time

Do people who quit blogging 'really' lack the time or are they simply poor time managers or lack a strong commitment? Quite often if our 'commitment' to something is NOT all that strong we will find reasons to as to why we should quit! Achieving blog success is something that ONLY comes over time and with a consistent effort!  Results in the form of traffic or loyal readers are very slow to develop initially thereby increasing the frustration while decreasing any enthusiasm or motivation the blogger may have! More times than not this results in aspiring bloggers becoming convinced they don't have the time to invest!

Lack of Interest

When you choose a topic or theme to blog about it MUST be something you have an interest in and NOT some whimsical choice you'll quickly abandon! One of the most important and critical assets any blogger can have is a genuine passion for the topic they write about! Selecting the subject upon which you base blog is something that requires careful consideration on your part! One guarantee you'll never experience blog success is by choosing a topic you have little or limited interest in since this will quickly dissolve your enthusiasm!

Shortage of Writing Ideas

When you lack the necessary passion for the subject you write about your curiosity or lack thereof limits your research efforts! Without having the 'thirst' for more and/or new information you therefore tend to quickly run out of ideas you can further develop and post to your site! Although many bloggers have found great success focusing on topics they happen to be well experienced in, others find success focusing on a subject they want to learn more about! The latter therefore is able to share what they learned and provided they continue doing research they'll continue to have new ideas they can develop and post!
No Traffic

As mentioned earlier building traffic is a crucial step towards experiencing any degree of blog success but it does take time and patience! Quite possibly 'patience' may be the most important of all personal attributes you will need to succeed when blogging! People today have grown more accustom to having their 'wishes' granted immediately and this feeling of instant gratification really diminishes their patience! This of course sets the stage for them to become quickly frustrated and discouraged  with the results they get thus compelling them to quit!

Focus Is Weak

Every blogger must possess a keen focus to keep them motivated as well as keeping what they write about on track with the theme of the site! People for various reasons tend to lose focus on what they're doing and this usually results in them being less productive! When blogging, be clear that you WILL be facing plenty of competition and if you allow your productivity to drop, it will take you that much longer to be successful! Consider the effort it takes to roll a sizable boulder up a hill and what happens once you stop pushing the boulder! You end up losing much if not all the ground you have already gained thereby rendering your previous efforts useless! Well the same applies when blogging, the less intensive your efforts may be the longer it takes for you to actually reach blog success! In most cases the longer the process, the more incline people are to quit before the process actually yields the results they want!

Blogs fail for many reasons but in most cases the causes can be tracked back to the personal attributes of the individual blogger! Blogging although not difficult does take time, patience and a willingness to work! Investing of yourself in these ways, consistently, is the only way you can expect to experience blog success! Of course if for whatever reason you choose NOT to make the effort, than understand it is a choice, yours, and not some insurmountable obstacles blocking your path to blog success!

Thanks For Reading.

Using SEO to Grow Your Business

As a product or service provider, you probably have learned a lot about marketing.  You know how to present your product so that it draws attention.  You produce marketing materials perfectly calculated to convince the consumer to buy from you.  You invest in carefully designed websites that will attract consumer's attention.  But one specialized niche in marketing online involves search engine optimization, or SEO.

What is SEO about?  Well, think about bricks-and-mortar stores.  Location is everything in that world – if you have a storefront that is visible from a main road, consumer awareness will work to your benefit.  That would be like having your business advertised on the front page of Yahoo! – effective, but expensive.

So what do store owners do who find themselves tucked between a barbershop and a convenient store behind a block of apartments?  They need to be in a directory.  That way, when someone on the other side of town browses through the yellow pages, he sees their name and decides they are worth looking up.  The online equivalent of yellow pages is Google.  But there are literally thousands and millions of websites wanting to be listed on Google.  What decides who gets listed high enough on the list to be seen?

This is what search engine optimization does for you.  Google doesn't every explicitly state the requirements for high ranking in their search results, but an entire business segment has sprung up among people who study search results and the factors know to affect them, and they have proven methods to increase your ranking.

For instance, Google is looking for keywords on your site.  If someone goes out and searches for a given phrase, Google shows them sites which discuss that phrase a lot.  Does that mean that you should use phrases relevant to your product in every sentence?  Unfortunately, Google's artificial intelligence is smart enough to know that you're probably just gaming the system.  In addition, consumers who read that material are also smart enough to be turned off by it.  But SEO experts have the appropriate amount of keyword usage down to a science.

Google wants to see links to your sites from other prominent sites.  But getting these sites to post your links is obviously problematic.  SEO experts specialize in the judicious use of inter-site linking to boost your site's ranking.

Finally, Google, like the yellow pages, offers paid advertising.  They charge you according to the number of people who click on your ads.  This is a double-edged sword, though.  If you can pay a reasonable amount and attract actual customers, then great – it's working for you.  On the other hand, if thousands of people with casual interest click through to your site and move on without being convinced to buy anything, then you are going to be out.  Once more, consider the use of an SEO expert to help you design a campaign to convert these curious clickers into paying customers.

Thanks For Reading.

Easy Ways to Increase Page Views with Effective Website Design

Sоmе ѕау simplicity іѕ beauty whіlе оthеrѕ disagree tо thе extent thаt simplicity depicts boredom. Hоw dо уоu decide оn whаt website design catches уоur viewer's attention? Simple Web Design doesn't readily suggest аѕ thе оnlу means оf catching уоur viewer's attention tо уоur site. Hеrе аrе thе fоllоwіng factors tо соnѕіdеr іn identifying whаt mаkеѕ people linger tо уоur site.

 Thе fіrѕt thіng tо соnѕіdеr іѕ thе significance оf header title іn relation tо thе keyed іn inquiry. Mоѕt internet user encodes thеіr dilemma іn phrases оr words аnd thе nearest answer tо thеіr question wіll bе mоѕt lіkеlу tо bе clicked аnd entered. Therefore, create аѕ muсh pages іn уоur website design thаt anchor а relevant title tо it.  Thе image аlѕо plays аn important role іn search engine. Mаkе ѕurе thе images уоu chose tо include іn thе design incline reliability аnd austerity tо thе topics trending іn thе search engine system.

Anоthеr wау оf caching уоur viewer's attention depends оn thе links thаt уоu consigned tо оthеr network оr site. An еxаmрlе tо thеѕе аrе thе оnеѕ уоu post іn уоur timeline, posted articles wіth embedded links tо thе keywords, links уоu рlасеd іn еvеrу profile уоu hаvе іn social networks lіkе Facebook, Twitter,  Ning networks аnd etc. Making еасh post readable аnd understandable аnd nоt hаvіng false description оn thе link аnd serves unsolicited click tо уоur site. Thіѕ mау disrupt thе credibility оf уоur site nо matter hоw good іt is.

Onсе уоu hаvе captured thе attention оf thе viewer, thе nеxt thіng thаt thеу wіll notice іѕ thе design аnd arrangements оf words, fonts, images, colors аnd etc. Subsequently, thеу wіll lооk fоr thе keywords related tо thеіr inquiry іn thе presenting page. At thіѕ time, thе display оf уоur page plays vital points іn allowing mоrе time fоr thе client tо stay іn уоur page.

Thе page loading time іѕ аlѕо а matter tо discuss. Indeed, іt іѕ fast changing world, аnd ѕо іѕ mankind, viewers wаnt еvеrу search thеу mаdе іn аn instant.  It wоuld bе а debilitating effect tо уоur site іf іt wіll tаkе longer thаn expected fоr уоur page tо display. Thе factors thаt affect page loading time mау include thе flash apps аnd media уоu hаvе laid іn уоur page. Limit thеѕе effects tо obtain а desirable page loading time tо уоur website. Thus, viewers wіll bе lеѕѕ impatient tо searching аnd navigating уоur site.

Anоthеr thіng іѕ уоur navigational controls, thеѕе аrе thе controls оr thе options whісh directs thе viewer whеrе tо gо оr whаt tо click іn order tо gо tо аnоthеr page оr еvеn gеt bасk tо thе home page. Clear аnd concise navigational keys lіkе home, search button, contacts аnd еtс muѕt bе easily located. Thеѕе contents аrе nесеѕѕаrу іn order tо increase thе enthusiasm оf thе viewer іn уоur site.

 In conclusion, thе mоѕt essential point thаt уоur web design muѕt hаvе іѕ thе integration оf relevant context wіth уоur product аnd servicers іn it. Humans gеt bored оr еvеn irritated іn tоо muсh commercialized entry. So, іt іѕ bеttеr imperative tо kеер уоur pages simple wіth fеwеr commercials.

Categorize thеm ассоrdіnglу ѕо thе viewers wіll ѕtіll feel thеіr power оf freedom tо choose whаt open аnd navigate. It thе substance thаt eats thе mоѕt оf thе viewers' time іn уоur site, avoid overcrowding оf information lіkе press releases, videos, blogs, articles, forum posts, reviews, songs, , news stories, letters, аnd editorials іn оnе page.  Thеѕе аrе thе elements thаt аrе essential іn а fully integrated аnd comprehensive web design thаt аllоw thеѕе visitors оf easy access аnd thеrеbу evaluate уоur web page аnd establish іtѕ trustworthiness аnd relevance.

Sad tо ѕау thаt оnlу а fеw оf thеѕе web design companies аrе outfitted fоr thе job,  mоѕt companies rely оn overexposing thеіr commercial lines аnd forgetting thе vеrу essence оf thе viewers nееdѕ оf quality answers tо thеіr keyed іn questions іn thе search engine.

Thanks For Reading.

6 Google Analytics Factors to Consider for Your Blog's Success

The success of your blog depends on many factors, but how do you measure its success? There are many parameters that you have to look at to get a clear picture, many from Google Analytics. Using these metrics you can get a correct estimate of your blog's success.

Page Views/Page Per View

You have to know the number of visits to your site. Besides this you must also know who your unique visitors are and where exactly they visited your site. Page view tells you the amount of times people who visited your site saw your blog pages. Page view is a good statistic that tells you the topic that your visitors found most interesting and the blog posts that were most popular.  Page per view is an indicator of the interest that your visitor found in your blog with respect to information and relevance. You can use the most visited/read post as a model for what you write later on; you can even link that post to your blog's other pages.

Visits and Returning Visitors

The number of visitors and returning visitors are clear indicators of your blog's success. The traffic that you get in a fixed time period, as well as the statistics of visitors who come back to your site, reflects the success of your blog. If the percentage of visitors coming back to your blog is high, it shows that you have succeeded in holding on to your visitors and building up a readership with them.


Visitors use keywords on search engines to get to your blog and you must get to know these keywords to understand your visitors better. Optimizing keywords also help to give your SEO endeavor a boost.

Bounce Rate

Bounce rates, which refers to the time a visitor stays at your blog and then ‘bounces off', are generally higher for blogs compared to business sites. People come to blogs to see something specific and then go away; on a business site they stay longer. As far as blogs are concerned a rate of below 65% is good enough.

Social Media Sharing

The number of social media shares will tell whether your blog is a success or not – to some extent, at least. You have to keep a count of them and check out which social media platforms your readers are using. For this you must install on your blog, a social sharing bar. This bar will help you keep track of your social shares.


You obviously want to know whether your blog is being shared on other websites or even getting mentioned. You also want to know the sources through which visitors get to know about your blog and visit it. Through referrals you get to know this information, which is a vital metric to judge the success of your blog. Also, if you get to know that a specific social media networking platform is your visitors' source, tactically share your blog on that platform.

Summing Up

If you consider these metrics I'm sure you will be able to measure the success of your blog. Getting the right estimate of your blog's success (or lack of success) is important for you to chalk out your future strategy.

Thanks For Reading.

5 Ways to Create Unique Content for Your Blog

Are you having issues generating unique content for your blog? that's a explanation for concern as a result of the final thing you would like is to post duplicate content. however there area unit simply times once your brain appears to administer up and notwithstanding however onerous you are trying, springing up with associate amazing plan for a diary post could be a futile effort.

I am going to write how to create unique content for your blog and how you will reach top position by creating blogs for your. I hope you will get more details below and will catch what i am wanna going to discuss with you, how you can create different and unique content for your blogs. Let's discuss below :

Copy from different blogs

It's not uncommon for bloggers to "steal" concepts from different blogs and use them on their own. If you're stuck and don't recognize what to write down concerning, why not consider your favorite blogs? pay some minutes longing the posts till one thing catches your eye.

Unique content You're guaranteed to notice one thing attention-grabbing that you simply will indite. It's not extremely repetition. You're not planning to copy-paste it. You're just exploitation the journal post as a thought for your own piece. you'll still have to be compelled to use your own words and are available up with another angle.imonomy - free enrichment tools for your site.

How is it done?

Go through one post and see if it lacks something. Did it let down in explaining an exact concept? Or did you are feeling it had been incorrect in some areas? you will conjointly feel the post challenged your beliefs. these items area unit nice signs you simply} ought to base your journal post on what you just scan.

Think about your favorite TV show or book or music and notice a affiliation

There's continuously a typical ground for everything. It's like half dozen degrees of separation–for everything. once a point is looming and you continue to don't have something to indicate for, address the items you wish doing. They're planning to save your job.

Your favorite things will offer you one thing to journal concerning. notice a affiliation. There's continuously one. you simply need to speculate on that.

Create a how to guide your blog with your ways

Google loves resources. It likes blogs that have relevant, insightful, and helpful posts for readers. How-to guides area unit awful as a result of you'll be touching 2 birds with one stone. Google can index and rank it. Your readers area unit certain a treat.

These guides will take time to write down as a result of they're principally extended. however since you already grasp your stuff, it ought to be straightforward. simply make certain that you just keep it compact and straightforward to know.

Research fun facts–things your audience would be excited to grasp regarding

Now this could be a bit difficult as a result of it entails lots of analysis. however if you are doing it right, the rewards are fulfilling. folks like learning new things. Fun facts and object command readers' attention. They conjointly tend to travel infective agent.

Check Twitter

This micro-blogging web site is another excellent place to return up with distinctive content. Those you follow can continually have one thing attention-grabbing to mention. undergo your timeline and examine the tweets. note of the items that attractiveness to you. return to what you've got written and see that tweets stand out. decide one and notice a reference to your niche. different times you'll be able to merely expound on tweets.

It's truly easier to start out writing one thing once you have already got the primary sentence (the tweets) as a result of your brain is already conditioned. You'd be shocked at however simply the thoughts can flow.

Thanks For Reading.

Start a Blog in 10 Easy Steps

Starting a blog may seem like an easy process, but there are pitfalls along the way, and many executives require a step-by-step process to avoid them. Based on my experience for clients in a wide variety of industries, here is a simple do-it-yourself process to ensure your blog provides a powerful and readable resource, both to generate readership and maximize the search engine optimization (SEO) impact on your company's website.

1) If you are not already doing so, host your website on Go Daddy. When you set up or transfer your site, make sure you have your own IP address and are not hosting the blog directly on Go Daddy. The location of your blog will impact search engine optimization – if it is hosted on another organization's site, the one benefiting from all the original content you create will be them and not you.

2) Once your website hosting is arranged, and you have your own IP address, call Go Daddy for easy installation of blogging software. The software should be uploaded to your root directory in a folder titled "blog." Then, you blog can be accessed from the URL  When you go through the process with technical support from Go Daddy, make sure the word "blog" is physically typed into the sub-directory before the automatic installation.

3) When you access the URL of your blog, you will see a sign-in screen. You need to enter your user name (get it from Go Daddy), and then click "I forgot my password" to get a password reset option sent to your email address.

4) After entering the blogging software, you will automatically be forwarded to the dashboard. This page will allow you to access all the functions of your blog. The first step involves choosing a theme. A theme will provide the color background and structure of your blog. You can click on "appearance" in the left-side navigation bar, then themes in the sub-navigation. Wordpress will give you a few themes to choose from and then a box titled "Add theme" at the bottom in a large box with a plus sign in the middle. Click the plus sign, and you will literally be able to access hundreds of designs.

5) Choose a professional looking theme. The best themes have two columns for a simple layout. Your blog posts will be entered into the wide column, and you will be able to add various graphics and "widgets" in the side column. Generally vendor-neutral advice works best for the blog posts with more promotional content added through widgets.

6) Widgets may be accessed as an item under the appearance link in your blog's dashboard in the navigation bar on the left side. When you click on this item, you will see various widgets in the left column under the heading "available widgets." On the right side, you will see depictions of sidebars corresponding to the theme you have chosen. To add a widget, simply click and drag it from one column into another. I suggest adding a search bar, categories, archives and a box to add text, generally used for a description of your company and your headshot.

7) The next step involves increasing your blog's functionality using plug-ins.  You will see an item titled "plug-ins" in your dashboard's left navigation bar. If you select "add new," you will get a new screen with a search box. While there aren't any plug-ins I would describe as essential in the beginning, I do recommend Akismet and Wordpress SEO. These plug-ins will protect your blog from spam and help your search engine ranking respectively. Other plug-ins can be used to provide social sharing bars and improve your blog's loading speed, for example. You can research recommended plug-ins in Google by searching on " plug-ins."

8) With the above steps completed, you are ready to start blogging. I recommend a length of 200 to 300 words per entry – the 200 minimum is required to be recognized by Google's spiders and the upper limit is simply to save your time. Remember also that most visitors do not have time themselves to read longer entries, and you can always split up larger posts and link them by using the same category. You should blog either daily or once a week, with the latter as an absolute minimum.

9) Once you have reached ten blog entries, you should submit your blog to blog search engines. The best blog directories, according to Planet Ocean Communications, are Blog Flux, Get Blogs, BlogCatalog and Globe of Blogs.

10) You should promote your blog in every way possible. Add the title and address to your email signature; add links from your social media accounts; include a box with the most recent blog post headlines on your website's home page. You will get out of your blog what you put into it. If you are blog-focused, your visitors will be, too, and you will find your blog a valuable resource both for prospective clients and for your own uses.

Thanks For Reading.

Finding the Best Website Service to help you with your SEO

There are hundreds if not millions of websites on the Internet. Google has demoted many of these when they introduced the new page ranking and Algorithm updates in the likes of Panda and Penguin.

They targeted sites that were using black hat SEO (search engine optimization). It has therefore become extremely necessary to employ the best website service to help you with your SEO. These changes and updates are by far not over yet, and you do need to be secure in the fact that you would not fall victim to the Google axe for not towing the line.

It is important that you employ all the help you can get to move your website up in ranking on the Internet. It is especially necessary if you are a business and wish to be successful. The higher page rankings allow your website to be found on the first pages of Google searches. It is also important that you have someone who knows how to find the best keywords for your purposes. The keywords are what drive the finding of your website.

Many SEO companies offer you their products to help you, but not all of them have the same capabilities. It is therefore, to your advantage if you find the best website service to help you boost your website to the top of the rankings. To stay at the top, means that it is not a once off occurrence, as you have to compete consistently with other sites in your category. The optimum SEO company can provide you with the best strategy that would allow for your website to get to the top and remain at the top.

It may seem an easy task to make use of SEO to move your website to the top rankings. However, there are a few tips and trick, as well as in-depth knowledge of how Google Algorithms work, that the website service would be able to assist you with. It would therefore be best to leave it in the hands of the experts. This way, you would be assured that you would have that upward mobility. It is also vital that you get an expert, as you would have to pay for it, and you need to be sure that your money will be well spent. If you want to know more my services please view my website portfolio section and get good idea according to your need.

Thanks For Reading.

6 Ways To Optimize AdSense Ads To Increase Revenue 2014

Today, We have a tendency to discusses with regards to some Search engine marketing-linked items. For many blogs in existence, The main element purpose is usually to form funds, So today, we will stick with it the notion, and indicate Google AdSense. For novices however as State-of-the-art buyers, the beginning of the replacement 12 months would be an truthful time to start looking at your AdSense campaign. location device you building the foremost out of your advertisements? at this time would be an truthful time and energy to critique your advert overall performance, and generate variations consequently. So listed here, we are going to give you with a list of fifty percent dozen possessions you might do to improve AdSense and produce the foremost out of the advertisements.

Proposed for yourself: higher ideas to enhance Google AdSense Adverts on the journal

1. region unit you making use of your advertisement places?

Here is the primary queries you ought to be asking oneself. AdSense is not going to allow you to definitely element as several ad units as you prefer. nonetheless spot device you even making use of the many advert-places that it'll allow for? for every web site on your web site, AdSense can solely permit you to location 3 AdSense for content material models. These change in size, thus you'll be able to} make use of the most effective doable locations your ads can slot in. nevertheless you'll be able to solely place one 300x600 ad device. apart from this, you'll use three textual content-advertisement units, and 2 AdSense for for search boxes models. Right before inserting of such advert-models Despite the fact that, get it slow to contemplate if you may have obtained a substantial good quality material to ad device magnitude relation. It only won't incorporate up if each of the ad spots are made use of, on the other hand there isn't any true content material on it web site.

2. Get a glance at your advert measurements:

Generally speaking, wide advert units have a tendency to accomplish better than tall types. For example, the 728x90, 336x280, and 300x250 advert measurements location device commonly the absolute best performers. you ought to believe several ad dimensions, and conclude on your own what works most effective in your case. The ad sizing should conjointly correspond towards the posture of the content. By way of example, a tall and skinny advertisement-device isn't going to add up between a composed write-up.

3. Use textual content and photographs too:

Commonly, publishers merely give full attention to picture adverts, and dump the other decisions around. Adding textual content adverts could possibly be a sensible prepare yet, due to they take care of the picture advert units for similar area. using a mix of text and impression ads will support you earn heaps a lot of.

4. Insert search bins:

As mentioned increased than, graphic ads Really don't seem to be the only component within the planet. AdSense can allow you 2 AdSense for lookup packing containers units for each website page yet. They let you position a custom programme in your Web-site to produce customers with Net look for. And you'd potentially get paid from related advertisements to the search engine results web page.

5. generate your advert models accessible:

Spend Specific awareness to where ever you really spot your advertisement models. they have to enhance, and slot in along with your material. And in addition, people must be ready to simply set up and accessibility them. Normally, adverts must be higher than-the-fold. Google offers plenty of tips to assist you area your advertisements.

6. look at coloration combos:

Past, however not the smallest amount, use trial and error, and mess about with diverse colour schemes and ad patterns. they will Engage in an enormous fifty percent in what proportion income you generate. There location unit 3 strategies you'll be able to create a option from. Blend, Compliment, and distinction. Compliment is traditional placement, wherever advert models place device applied between articles, and spot unit distinguishable. mixing ad units into content implies that mistreatment equivalent colors, so It truly is laborious to tell apart the ad device. difference indicates that you just utilize distinct colours that scream out affiliate advert-device's presence. you'll be able to use any of such, provided that you Keep to the policies from Google.

Thank you Friends For Reading This post.

How To Increase Traffic To Your Blog


Why can't you just promote a product and start making money? Well, you can, but you will not make that much! If you are not looked upon as an expert, people won't follow you. If people don't follow you, they don't share your information that increases blog traffic. That means, you don't make much money online.

Being looked upon as an expert in your niche will give you the edge when it comes to your competition. It will increase your traffic to your blog and improve your conversion rates online.

Think about his for a minute before I get into how to become an expert in your niche.

If you go to Google right now and type in any product. For example, Type in "Success Luminary". As you can see there are a ton of reviews on this program. If you look through them, you will see sales pitch after sales pitch to get people to join the program.

Who in the Heck wants to see that when researching something right?

I don't!

This leaves the prospect having to choose which person to take advice from. And this is where the Expert Status needs to be. If a prospect lands on your page for a review of a product, you must make the prospect think you are the expert. You must be the leader and show value in your prospects eyes for them to buy from you.

The best value you can give is answering people's questions for free. This shows you are here to help people and not just looking out for yourself. The more you give, the more you get.

 If you do this, all the other crappy sites just waist away over time and you will remain on top. People buy from leaders and experts in the field. Bloggers often think they are NOT experts in their field because of low self-confidence or just lack of knowledge. You MUST change your thinking and become the person you were meant to be my friend! Become that expert!

What are the advantages of becoming an expert in your field?

1.)    You don't have to sell anything as people are willing to buy from you.

2.)    You will have a following of crazy fans wanting what you have to teach and recommend to them.

3.)    People will be attracted to you so you don't have to attract yourself to them.

4.)    People will look for you so you don't have to look for them! (This saves a lot of money by the way.)

So how do you start becoming an expert in your niche?

I have listed some different things you can do to position yourself as an expert in the prospects eye here:

1.)    Start a blog to solve problems. When you establish a blog, you will quickly gain authority in your niche. A blog is meant for posting content to your blog. That content needs to be aimed at solving problems. For example: If someone types into Google, "How do I save money better" you better be right there to answer that question. Once they come to your site, you need to actually answer their question. They will love you for it! They will respect you for it and they will follow you for it. You just established yourself as an expert because you helped them, isn't that neat?

Then you can have a content capture form on your blog sidebar and people optin to learn from you or want whatever you are offering. You then can create a deeper relationship with them through education and when you recommend a product to them through email or whatever, they will BUY! People like to buy from people they like-know-and trust so be that person and prosper.

2.)    Give away free video courses or ebooks to build your email list. Every great leader in this industry knows this stuff and does it. If you give away free "samples" of knowledge that helps them, you are grooming your prospect into a consistent buyer.

Think of it this way, would you buy cologne or perfume before you smelled it? I wouldn't, I have to sample it first and see how good it smells and if it represents me the best it can. It's the same concept here. Put together an ebook or video course and give it away to get people to optin to your emails list. Make sure this is FANTASTIC content and make sure once they get on to your email list that they want to stay. So don't spam anybody please!

3.)    Make sure your website is clean and easy to navigate. You can always tell a newbie from an expert website. If you are a newbie at this don't get discouraged. If you don't know website design, it's ok. I don't even know it that well. Always remember that simple is always best. Then later on you can outsource a website or learn to build one yourself.

Make a simple website that looks good and organized. Get to the point of helping people and solving problems with your content. I use a blog template from Optimize Press because it's clean and simple to use. Picture your website as a store front. If there is garbage, cigarette butts, and papers laying outside your store, it just looks bad and people will assume you don't know what you are doing. So on your website, make sure you are using the right fonts (easy to read), No flashy graphics, the color schemes are correct and your optin form is on the top fold.

What I would do is look at sites in your niche and get ideas from them. Look for good looking sites and mimic them.

4.)    Use video to create relationships and establish authority. Video making scares some people and it's ok. It scared me for a long time simple because I've had a speech impediment all my life. But I practiced and practiced and never gave up. Now, I can make videos and you know what? I still stutter. I realized that people care about what I am talking about and if I deliver great content, people just don't care if I stumble on some words.

Videos establish a personal approach to your business. It allows people to see you for you. Everyone likes to see who is behind a website or business. It's a perfect opportunity to connect with your audience.

Another thing to mention is to talk as if you know something lol J I mean, be direct and show you do know what you are teaching. If you are teaching something that you don't know about, study up more and learn it better, then do a video. People can tell when you are acting and trying to teach something you don't completely understand yet.

Thanks For Reading This post.

How To Increase Traffic To Your Social Networking Blog

Whether you are in business or are a social butterfly, how to increase traffic to your social networking blog is foremost on your mind. Over the last few years, the meteoric growth of Facebook and social networking in general has created a completely new way to promote yourself or your company. The problem is that gaining popularity is not as easy as some companies are claiming that it is.

The value of learning how to increase traffic to your social networking blog is obvious. For a business owner, it is the ultimate form of marketing. If people are paying attention to your social networking blog, then it is guaranteed that they have your company in mind all the time, a valuable commodity in an age of short attention spans. A social networking blog can either be a website that you build yourself, or a profile page on one of the popular social networking sites such as LinkedIn, Facebook, or Twitter.

The secret to how to increase traffic to your social networking blog is to have one. The simplest approach is to create webpage that acts as a gateway for all of your social networking activities. All of your profile pages can be combined into a single profile with links to all the other profiles. Real time information, such as your Twitter feed and Facebook updates, can be shown live on your page as well. You could have a map showing where you are and what you are doing, if you are not concerned about security bout where your business is. Once you have this page up and running, you can then figure out how to increase traffic to your social networking blog.

Using geolocation is the hot thing in social networking. Businesses will offer to sell you products at a discount if you stop by, and if you allow your location to be accessed, as Foursquare does. This is how companies know that you are nearby. Some people are concerned about privacy, so you might not want to include this in your efforts to unlock the secret to increasing traffic. However, the question "how to increase traffic to your social networking blog is simple. Market your blog using AdWords, answer forum posts with your link in the signature, and communicate with your client base and followers.

While it is a blog, which means that you should be posting every day to keep content fresh. Think of your social networking blog as a personal newspaper on the Internet. Once you have friends, you can allow them to keep up with your business life and company movement, as well as your personal thoughts. The potential value of this to small, locally focused businesses is apparent. Perhaps even adding a live video feed from your shop might bring more visitors, but the marketing does the trick, otherwise no one will know there is a live video feed.

Thanks For Reading.

How To Make Money By Blog

For those individuals enveloped in the world on the internet, the term "blogging" is widely known. Blogging is a concept of sharing ideas and information through a medium, in this case, the world wide web. However if you are reading this then most likely already know what a blog is. One thing which many whom blog are not aware of, are the different ways of how to make money by blog. In this article I am just going to introduce 4 of the more common and widely known programs for people who might not have a background in internet advertisement.

1. PPC (Pay Per Click) Ad Networks:

Out of the different forms of opportunity I am going to introduce, the first will be PPC. These networks pay you to place an ad on content you produce to your fans and or customers. The way it works is they will review your content, and then respond with a relevant ad type. Each time one of your visitors clicks on a link, it is tracked and you are compensated upon your agreement with the ad provider. This is a good way how to make money by blog.

2. CPM (Cost per Mille/1000 impressions) Ad Networks:

Almost identical to PPC, however there is a major difference. Instead payment is done through the sheer amount of impressions provided. Usually, you would only participate in this type of network if you have a good deal of consistent traffic to your blog. It can be more specific, but that is the underlining concept of a CPM network. This as well is a good opportunity if your wondering how to make money by blog.

3. Banner Advertising:

The most basic and most common form of blogging advertisement. If you are involved in the program such as this there can be various forms of payment, but usually starts with someone paying you to run their banner on your site. With these programs there is a screening process. This is a great way how to make money by blog.

4. Affiliate Marketing:

In my opinion, the mother of all Internet marketing. With affiliate marketing you find a product you would like to promote and do so without any type of compensation unless a sale is made. Usually the commission rate on these types of programs are a lot higher than some of these other avenues listed above. The nice thing about this type of marketing is usually once you have set up a successful affiliate campaign, it requires little to no maintenance to continue being a revenue producing web asset. If your wondering how to make money by blog, this is most likely the best place to start, as making errors and mistakes will not cost you anything.

As stated above, these are some of the more popular forms of marketing if you are wondering how to make money by blog. If you are undecided which is the best type to get involved with, consider looking into a free internet marketing course. Courses such as these generally allow you to evaluate which would be best for what you are trying to accomplish. Best of luck!

Thank you Friends.

SEO for Ajax Website

AJAX (Asynchronous JavaScript + Xml) mixes of technologies that offers incredible functionality for web sites and get rid of the page reloads. In simple words AJAX brings software like usability to websites. You can have an idea of AJAX features by visiting following web pages:

- Google Maps
- Google Suggest
- AJAX Word
- AJAX Spreadsheet

You must have idea now what functionality can be added to any website using AJAX. But AJAX website is not search engine friendly. The main reason of AJAX website not ranking well in search engines is that AJAX web pages cannot be easily bookmarked and also not proffered by search engines. The pages created are not unique and cod itself is not visible to search engines.

This doesn't mean that AJAX websites cannot rank well in search engines. You can use search engine optimization techniques discussed below and make your website search engine friendly as well as rank in top organic listings for your major keywords.
First issue is that AJAX is not visible to search engines. Therefore any content delivered through AJAX or say if websites navigation is delivered through AJAX. Hence search engine will only be able to crawl first page will less or no content. Spiders will not be able to spider other pages as navigational link are not visible to them. So what is the solution to this? Simple way is to make sure your website content and navigation is in HTML. This will serve you double benefits i.e. content in HTML is easily read by search engines and also will be visible to visitors who have JavaScript turned off or where browsers don't support JavaScript.

Second important factor was no unique URLs. I will say just visit your website as a search engine spider would. Make sure all your web pages have a proper path, content, moreover they have valid URLs. Other way is to use URL rewrite to create URLs that are search engine friendly. The mod rewrite instruction are useful in this your web page will be created dynamically but gives search engines an impression of unique URL with unique content.

Thank you Friends.

Tips To Get Started Blogging

Blogging is very useful to get yourself noticed in search engines and get your message out about a subject you are trying to get recognized in. Every time you update your blog the search engines see it as new content and it almost immediately updates your info. So heres a few tips below to help get you started.

1. Have a Static URL:

The identity you create for your blog lies in the URL. Once you decide on a URL for your blog, do not ever change it. Every time you change it you need to popularize your blog all over again. Besides, the technical problem is that the search engines and articles that reference posts in your blog have links to the older URL and it can create a lot of confusion and hence lost readership. Choose your URL carefully and stick to it.

2. Choice of subject to blog about:

Choose the subject of your blog with care and consideration. Your blog should mirror your passion and knowledge on the subject. Identify whether you will be able to consistently post on the subject. Some topics that are search engine friendly and that never really die out are technology blogs, product related blogs, city centric blogs and money making blogs. There is always news to give your readers and also there are a lot of points to discuss on. More challenging blogs to write are blogs on thoughts, ideas, short stories, poems. In these blogs you have to be able to provide self- driven original content whereas in the previous kind there are other websites from where you can draw inspiration and ideas.

3. High Quality Content can get hard to produce consistently:

Posting quality content consistently keeps your readers engaged and makes them come back for more. In the initial days posting is easy since you will have a lot of ideas in your mind. However, delivering high quality content to your readers day after day gets tougher as time progresses and ideas dry up. You need to keep innovating and ideating constantly.

4. Marketing your blog is hard work:

Once you have content in your blog, its time to tell the world. The challenge is - 'How do you tell prospective readers that your blog has what they are looking for?' Social networking sites like stumbleupon, orkut, twitter, facebook and a zillion other websites are breeding grounds for finding prospective readers. Building your network can be a time consuming, never ending task, but it doesn't end there, you need to make the effort to make your network aware of your blog. The benefits can only be exponential. Getting them to post comments is a completely different ball game.

5. Technical know how is required:

Lack of technical know-how can hinder you from tweaking your blog and giving it the finesse and feel that you envisaged for your blog. Serious bloggers will have to dabble with HTML, JavaScript and so on. It is this technology that can give the blog the uniqueness, user-friendliness and functionality that makes it stand out. Be prepared to invest some time in learning web technologies. Being search engine savvy can go a long way in getting the traffic that you are looking for.
6. Research, Read, Reflect
Every post is a brand new post. Don't be surprised that you would have to regularly research on your topic, as there is always something new out there. Read what others have to say and reflect. It involves a lot of hard work, patience, persistence to read content, assimilate and formulate your own content. At times, you should be ready to dig deep within your self.

7. Expect to ride an emotional roller coaster:

Do not expect an easy ride when you blog. You can put in a lot of hard work and then realize that nobody is commenting on your post and on the other hand you will write a one liner and you will have the whole world talking about it. You will have days when you will be banging your head against the wall wondering what to post about and then there will be days you have so many ideas in your head that you don't know where to start. So be ready to enjoy the ride.

8. Be prepared to sacrifice something in life:

Since all this hard work is going to use up your time, you have to be prepared to give up something. For those that have a full time job - your personal life or work life is going to take a hit. Maybe some of your other hobbies or interests will get affected. So you need to decide carefully on the things in life that you are ready to forego in order to become successful as a blogger.

9. Writing a good post takes time and patience:

There may be few gifted bloggers out there that can churn out interesting posts easily. Some have this skill from practice, and for some, it is a gift, but for the majority of us it is hard work right from coming up with the title to the way the post is structured to the content of the post. Be prepared to go through many iterations of it before you come up with the post that you would feel proud to publish.

Remember to update your blog often. Daily if you have the time. The more you update it the better the benefits are. This will keep your blog site fresh in the search engines. This is one of the best things you can do for higher rankings and targeted traffic. So takes these tips to get started blogging and get moving on setting up your first blog. If you already have a blog then use these tips to better what you already have.

Thank you Friends and keep visiting my blog daily for more tips and tricks.

How To Make Money Online Every Day Writing Articles ( Making 20$ per day writing articles )

Writing articles can make you good money if you know what you're doing. Unfortunately, many people either don't know how to cash in on this, or aren't maximizing their profits. Writing for Associated Content is one of the easiest ways to make money online , period. What makes it even better is that you have the freedom to write about what you want from the comfort of your own home. Many of you are already familiar with this site, but aren't satisfied with what they're paying you. This guide will help you earn over $20 an hour writing articles.

The first step you need to take, is to sign up with Associated Content . Enter your Paypal payment information. Then take a look around the website to get familiar with it. Please be prepared to fill out a W-9 form and either mail or fax it back to Associated Content as your earnings start to increase. They will need this information for tax purposes. The 2 areas you'll need to visit regularly is "My Account" and "My Content". My account allows you to see your messages and personal information. My content will allow you to view your articles and see which of them have been accepted. You'll also be able to see what bonuses have been assigned to you and accept/reject payments on the articles you submitted.

Here are the basics of submitting articles to A C for cash. You simply log into your account, click the "submit content" tab, and scroll down to text submissions. Usually you'll be submitting general articles. Make sure you check "Yes, this content is being submitted for payment consideration." A few days after submission, you'll be sent an offer for your article. You can either accept or decline it from the "my content" tab. You'll be paid in a few more days. Small bonuses are awarded to you for content that's being viewed on AC. The more views you get, the more money you make. This will continue to earn you money for just about forever, and you'll never have to touch those articles again, unless you want to. Unfortunately, AC will deduct some administrative costs from your bonus payments, so you won't receive any money until your balance reaches $15. Write a thousand articles this year and you'll be making an easy $20+ a month forever – it doesn't sound impressive now, but it adds up to a small fortune. In any case, it's extra money without the extra work.

These tips can double your earnings and save you a lot of time.

· Submit exclusive articles. Obviously if your articles are all over the internet AC won't value it as much as they otherwise would

· Write longer articles. I usually try to aim for at least 800 words. If your article takes up two pages instead of one, Associated Content gets to display double the amount of ads. This will benefit both AC and you. Don't get too carried away and fill your article with garbage. Simply include a few extra words and sentences wherever you can intelligently squeeze them in. If you have a hard time with writing long articles, read below for an easy to use technique I use all the time.

· Use your niche knowledge. Writing about really hot niches will up your earnings.

· If you like taking pictures, submit pictures along with your content. They always command a higher price. However, don't spend too much time taking pictures. Our goal is to make at least $20 an hour doing this. Don't waste your time writing internet marketing articles. I know it's probably one of your bigger interests, but Associated Content simply doesn't want that type of article.

· Check your "my account page" and read through your messages. Read all the "Call For Content" messages because AC will tell you exactly what they're willing to pay more for (at the moment). Most of your article topics should be on subjects that AC requests.

· Remember that bonus article money is money too. We need lots of page views to achieve this, so write a compelling headline that grabs reader's attention. Use the tool on my make money writing articles post, if you need a little help. This will also make the AC employees want to pay you more than average!

· Don't write articles from a 1st person point of view. Try to be professional and appear as an authority.

· This is a numbers game. You should be writing 3-4 articles an hour. I'll tell you how to do this in the next senteces.

· Write reviews on products/books/movies that you already know well. This is easy and super-quick if you set up a quick outline first.

· When you have interesting yet realistic dreams, write out the events that happened, add some details and submit it as a short story.

· Be controversial. Step out of the box. If you can find a really interesting subject to write about that may be a little controversial, write about it since these tend to attract a lot of attention.

· Read and write often. Readers tend to be better writers and those that write regularly tend to be better writers. Fine tune your skills while enjoying a good book.

Most people spend way too long writing articles. If you're going to make good money writing on the Internet, you'd better do it fast. Here I'll be teaching you how to write high-paying articles in just 15 to 20 minutes on any subject you want. With a little practice, you will learn how to complete research and write a unique article in just 15 minutes. I used to take about 45 minutes to write and edit articles. Needless to say I was frustrated and began to hate writing. I recently came up with this system to help me get things done faster.

I'm going to be laying everything out here in step-by-step format. The first time you try this, it might take a little longer than 20 minutes. As you get used to this method of writing, you'll notice that you can crank out articles faster and faster.

How to write quick articles:

1. Pick a topic, preferably a high-paying one from "call for content"

2. Open your preferred word processor

3. Now get on the Internet and go to Google. Perform a search on the subject that you want to write an article about

4. Open up two or three articles in a tabbed browser like Firefox. Quickly check that they are long enough to be considered a real article, instead of just a short paragraph.

5. Go through those articles very quickly, looking for one that seems to be the right length. In case you're wondering, the right length is more than 500 words and less than 1200.

6. Copy and paste your selected article into your word processor. Do not close any of the tabs that your other articles are on.

7. Read through the articles that you didn't choose, but do it fast. This should only take a few minutes and is for research purposes.

8. Now you're ready to rewrite your article. In your word processor, leave some space above the article you pasted for your writing. You are going to use the article below as a "very filled in" outline. Start rewriting the article that's in your word processor, mixing the wording and the ideas of the article you read, and the article you pasted. You're basically blending and rewriting the two articles so that you don't violate any copyright laws.

( do not ! i repeat do not ! use same word-to-word  in your article,this is only your guide for your article)

9. Type your article very quickly or use a speech to text tool. Your goal is to get this article done as quickly as possible, so you must separate your writing and editing phases. Even if you know you're making a mistake as you're typing, ignore it. Editing anything, the matter how small, will mess up your writing "trance".

10. Run spell check and correct the obvious spelling and grammar errors.

11.When you're done with the article read through it once, editing any mistakes you may find and adding extra words and sentences to your article to make it longer. If the article that you were rewriting did not include an opening paragraph or conclusion, add it now. If you're writing for keyword density, insert keywords into your article now.

Go through this system and practice it a few times. Go ahead and time yourself. You should notice that each time you do it you'll get a little faster. These tips will turn you into a speed writer, who can produce quality articles on any subject you choose. Working for just 1.5-- 2 hours a day will result in an extra $900-$1000 each month.

Thanks for reading this post please keep visiting my blog for more tips and tricks.

Creating a blog from scratch – 7 fast and easy steps to start blogging

Blog are online journals. They are used as short form of web logs which means a list of writings on the Internet. When all the writing is combined together to give it a look like a small website it is called a blog. A blog can be comprised of news, articles, personal diary. Below are the 7 steps to start creating a blog from scratch.

1)      Choose your blog niches

First thing you should do is to search on the topic you interested or have experienced in such as blogging such as dog training, golf swing etc

2)      Buy a domain name

Then go to domain marketplace such as go daddy or namecheap, choose the relevant domain name related to your blog example if you interested in blogging on drawing I suggest that you buy domain name such as ",,". The cost for buying a .com name is around $7-$10 depend on the domain marketplace.

3)      Open a hosting account

Then you need to link the blog together with its hosting account. You can open a hosting account for just $8 monthly and it can be used for multiple domain names.

4)      Choose blog platform

Creating a blog from scratch is easy, choose a blog platform or interface that you find easy and nice for you. I recommend you to use either wordpress or blogger. For me wordpress is much more better because it is search engine friendly.

5)      Search a theme

If you want your blog to look more great, you can find a theme or template that is relevant to your blog content. There are free and also paid theme, for me I suggest if you want to manage your blog easily use the paid one, but if just want to test the waters you can use the free one. If you need to do a custom theme you can also find it and the service will cost you around $50 - $80 depending on the web designer.

6)      Publish your blog

Then make sure you create content that is relevant to your blog, let say if you're in dog training you can publish about dog training, dog food, dog health and etc. Please do not mix up your blog with irrelevant content let say you're blogging about golf and your content is about how to diet, how to sleep well, hoe to make money. This is not relevant and the reader will go away from your blog!

7)      Monetize your blog

How you can make money with your blog is to add some affiliate link from cpa program, pps program, you can also promote an ebook on your blog. Other way that you can make money from  is to set up a page that consist an ecommerce store, many of the bloggers will use amazon associates and include it in their own blog. It is free to set up an

Creating a blog from scratch is not hard if you follow the steps that i mention above. These are the steps that is still used until today that make all the bloggers success in blogging.

Thank you Friends if you have any question please feel free comment and keep visiting my blog for latest tips and tricks.

Increase Website Traffic : Paid vs Free Ways

For a website or internet business to be profitable, you need to bring as much traffic as you can to it. That's because, no matter how good a website or product you have, if people can't find you, they can't buy from you.
But not any web traffic will do. Specifically, what is needed is targeted traffic, i.e. visitors interested in your product or service.
There're lots of ways to achieve this. You can increase website traffic by paying for it, or you can work for it and generate free web traffic organically.

Paid Web Traffic

Paid ways to get visitors include:

Publicizing your website address or URL in magazine or newspaper or TV ads. Usually ineffective, as people rarely bother to remember the URL.

Buying targeted leads in online or email newsletters, also known as 'paid inclusion'. You pay to be promoted in newsletters that go out to a large number of opt-in subscribers. Choose only relevant ones with subscribers interested in your product. Cost can range from hundreds to thousands of dollars each time.

Purchasing banner ads on other websites. Not very effective as it is not targeted advertising.

PPC or Pay Per Click Advertising campaigns. You place online ads, and pay each time a surfer clicks on one. It ranges from $0.10 (hard to get nowadays) to over $10, depending on the competition. This is one of the most successful methods as it gets targeted traffic almost instantly. If you want to know more about this, see Pay Per Click Advertising.

Run an Affiliate Program. An affiliate program is one where partners sign up and direct traffic to your salesletter page, and get paid for each sale made. The best part is, you don't pay anything unless there is a sale -- revenue without risk. You only have to pay a commission if a sale is made. Especially good if you sell digital products, like e-Books, where each extra sale doesn't require any extra cost to produce or ship.

Paid traffic has the advantage of bringing visitors to your website immediately. This is good for launching a site, or for a special sales promotion. It can also help to jumpstart free web traffic.

Organic or Free Website Traffic

This is traffic you don't need to pay for. You should try to achieve this, in addition to any paid traffic. For two reasons: firstly, free is good; secondly, your visitors are there because they thought your website had something they wanted, and are therefore less resistant to buying.

But organic traffic does not spring up overnight. It needs to be grown and nurtured, which takes time; hence the role of paid traffic.

Sources of organic traffic include:

Your URL placed on letterheads, business cards, email signature, etc.

Mailing lists. These are lists of people who have opted to receive emails on topics they are interested in. You grow your list by getting your visitors to subscribe to it. Your emails to them would contain links back to your website or salesletter page. But you would of course need traffic first to do this. Maybe by starting with paid traffic. Another way is to JV (joint-venture) with others in a same or complementary product area who already have mailing lists. But do not buy mailing lists of people who have not opted-in themselves -- they won't buy, and it's spam.

Referrals / links to your website from other websites (known as 'backlinks').

Links to your website from blogs that you create. Works if your blog itself has visitors.

Links to your website from articles or ebooks or written work that you sell or distribute free. Also known as viral marketing, due to the links embedded in such writings propagated to the 'unsuspecting' audience.

Referrals from search engines like, and Getting such referrals involves Search Engine Optimization, commonly known as SEO, and is a whole subject in itself. Done right, it has the potential to generate large amounts of free traffic in the long run. I go into the details of it, in Web Traffic.

Both paid and free web traffic have their role, but leveraging the long-term benefits of free traffic can mean the difference between success and failure.

Thank you Friends And keep Visiting my Blog Daily.

How To Get a High Ranking on Google?

Google is the most popular search engine in the internet world. These days, everyone is trying to improve their website ranking on Google, so that viewers can easily find their site. To get high ranking on Google is not just few hours or days job, but it is a long process. Google employs variety of factors to decide your position on the search result page.

How to get high rank on Google?

Google keeps on changing its algorithm and criterion to determine the rank of your website on search results. But, there are several tips that can contribute to increase your page rank on Google.
Use the appropriate keywords:  Most of the websites select the wrong or irrelevant keywords which is the main cause of their failure to get the higher page ranking on Google. Spend time to find and analyze the keywords which can give the maximum conversions and boost your ranking. One of the best ways to do this job is to use analytics software such as Google Analytics. This software will aid you to notice how viewers are interacting and discovering your website and most importantly which keywords are effectively keeping them engaged. Instead of using a single word keyword, you can use a keyword phrase which will be more effective and fruitful. Do not use more than one keyword phrase for one page as it can look spammy and odd.
Quality content is important: Prior to publish the content, make sure that your content should be of premium quality and should contain relevant information. Your content should be created especially for your targeted users as it can improve direct traffic to your website and also enriches your website's influence and relevancy. Use of right keywords on the right position in your page is important. Make sure that you update your content regularly; updated content invites Google to notice the website instantly. While posting your article, don't try to forget to use meta descriptions and title tags in the article.
Use external links to your post:  External links plays an important part in improving your rank on Google. Google drives to your website when external websites are linked to your post.  Before choosing the number of websites for external linking, follow the right strategy. Find the audiences on the web that can take advantage from your posts and reach the websites that have such huge audiences and tell them about the posts.  These websites might then advertise the post.
Website design is vital aspect:  when you are dealing with the question that how to get high rank on Google, website design could be the effective solution. Choose the most dynamic, appealing, user friendly and graphic based web design for your site so that it offers the aesthetically pleasing experience to viewers. Design the web pages which are search engines friendly and provide the rich and relevant information to intended users so that they can clearly understand what your site is all about and what your services are.

Thank you Friends keep visiting For more tips and tricks.

4 Ways to Earn Money as a Blogger

How to make a living and money as a blogger is one famous question specially these days. Blogging has become a very interesting gig in the last few years. Thousands of blogs are made on the internet every month. A lot of people find blogging interesting because it helps them to make money online. Truth be told, owning a blog has become one of the most effortless ways to make money on the internet. If you want to start blogging and would like to learn how to make money through blogging, here are 4 ways you can accomplish that:
Displaying ads on your blog

A simple and quick method to earn money from your blog. Maintaining your own blog means that you are entitled to publish ads. But how do you find advertisers? A blogger can spot possible advertisers from different business owners. The easiest way to find advertisers is to first establish your blog as a trusted blog in your niche and drive targeted traffic to it. You can drive traffic to your blog using artcile submission, blog commenting, web directories, social media and more.

Writing novels on your blog The notion of using a blog to write a novel is new, hot and exciting. Come up with a suspense thriller or comedy and post it on the blog. Invite them for comments and inspire them to suggest ideas. After a while your blog will have some regular audience. That's when you can make money by showing ads or even recommending related products to your readers and make money as an affiliate.

Monetizing with google adsense
Adsense is one of the easiest and most user friendliest ways to earn easy money online. Adsense automatically displays ads that are related to the main theme of your blog. Every time someone clicks on these ads, you get paid!

Writing reviews as a blogger
Many companies pay people to write reviews for them. This is a simple yet effective way to earn a lot of money blogging. You can start writing genuine reviews for all the different products and services you have ever bought and used.

It takes time and hard work to be able to make a living as a blogger. Don't give up, work hard and commit to it and you will succeed.

Thank you friends for reading this post if you have any question please feel free comment and keep visiting my blog daily for more tips and tricks.

The Best Quick And Easy Ways OF Making Money Online

Money is the driving force behind everything that we do. There are many people out there offering ideas on quick and easy methods of making money. What they fail to tell you are that all this ideas require time and effort, there Is no way you can just sit at home and expect money to come looking for you.

Quick money making can be undertaken through various ways. The most common method is through online means. Money making can also be done through other activities that don't require the internet some of the easiest ways are outlined below:

Entering competitions

This may seem like a weird and unconventional idea for making a quick buck, but truth be told it's very easy. Most people think that their chances of winning are slim; this leaves a lot of opportunities for people who bother to enter the competitions to win easily. A person willing to participate should choose the competition they want to enter into as keenly as possible. They should evaluate their abilities and their chances of winning. People should register for as many online and physical competitions to increase their chances of winning.

Participating in market research sessions and referrals

Market research sessions pay quick money for just sitting and listening to people talk. The sessions can even offer food when the sessions are long. One can also earn money by referring people to the focus groups offered by these sessions. The focus groups are usually located in local offices; one goes into the office, gives their opinion on a product for an hour or so and pick their money as they leave the offices.

Get paid for data entry

Google pays to receive information on the local businesses available in an area and basic data such as hours of operation.  One can also take photographs of the said business ands sell to Google. It's very easy and quick because one gives information on everyday buildings and businesses in his locale.

Make money playing online games

There are many on liner games that one can [play and earn virtual mane which can be exchanged foe real money. Thus is a popular trend with internet game addicts. People can earn top money for playing the games. There is a lady who earned over a million dollars by playing these games.

Getting money by socializing

There are many new and upcoming social websites developed to cash in on the social media craze that has hit the internet. The3se new sites need members in order to get money. People get paid to spread the word about these sites. Some sites even pay people to join and post messages.  The key is just to look for these sites.

Freelance writing

If you are a tech savvy individual and have great writing skills, then free lance writing is just for you. In the internet the slogan id that content is king. There are thousands of freelance writing job opportunities in sites like Odesk and Elance. One can write on any of there are of expertise ranging from a hobby to a profession.

Take part in medical studies and selling plasma

There are people out there making ends meet basically as human guinea pigs. You can just Google medical studies in your city and sign up for the program. These studies need a lot of time and are ideal for people with flexible schedules. Selling plasma is also another method of making quick cash, it might be a bit painful but the end justifies the means

Thank you for reading this post .If you have any questions please feel free to comment and keep visiting my blog for more tips and tricks.

Easy Tips & Tricks for Effective Search Engine Optimization

Part of using SEO to drive site traffic is ensuring that your site uses effective coding. A site that is primarily written in messy JavaScript will be difficult or impossible for spiders to index. Using Flash without textual descriptions makes it impossible to index your site.

Search engines will help increase visitors to your website. Making your website search engine spider friendly is imperative for success. You need to tag all images on your webpage, a search engine only looks for text. Make sure the description you give is keyword rich.
Even if all of your content is about the same topic, keep each title or heading interesting, attention-grabbing and unique. Keep titles short and to the point for the most effect. Therefore, the initial words should be the most important.

Leaving posts on blogs that are compatible to yours may allow you to link through to their site. Blog owners often don't care if you link to your site, so long as your comment isn't spam. You should make sure you leave links that are on relevant sites and not places where your links don't apply because you want to add something to a site, not throw people off. Leaving comments with your link will not only drive more web traffic to your site, but will also help in developing good business associates.

Blogging on your site will help improve your search engine ranking. More content also means better search engine rankings and, by extension, more site traffic.

Despite having interesting videos on your website, search engine spiders may have issues finding them. To help website crawlers recognize your website's videos, use a site map page that lists the videos.

Websites that are properly optimized for search engine results rarely employ image links. An image link offers only the URL of the linked file for search engines to index.

Search engine optimization, or SEO, is a method of marketing on the web. SEO involves placing keywords in your website's content and building backlinks in order to increase your website's search engine results page ranking for certain search terms. When you do this, people searching for your chosen keywords are more likely to end up at your website.

When selecting your domain name you need to ensure that it includes your main keywords or phrase. This will draw visitors who are truly interested in your site's content. Not all clicks to your website will come from your marketing efforts. Some people will stumble on your site while searching for similar products.

If you are prepared to start working on improving your rankings, consider these tips to get you started and help you move ahead. Knowing how to be successful using SEO tactics is the best way to ensure that your website soars in the search engine rankings.

If You're Smart, You'll Use These SEO Tips

PART I: Keyword Optimization

The first step in a search engine optimization campaign is to choose your keywords or keyphrases for each of your web pages.  Keywords are the terms that search engine users type in the search box to conduct a query. The right keywords are those that:

1.    clearly describe the purpose and content of your site, and,
2.    allow your site to show up as close to the first results page
as possible.

A good position doesn't depend only on your choice of keywords.  It also depends on how well do you position those keywords in your web page, and how many quality external pages link to you.  However, choosing the wrong keywords can throw off your entire search engine optimization strategy, so you need to invest a few hours and make sure you do it right.

Let's start with your homepage.  Look at it carefully and write down the words and phrases that best define your site.  Try to form two or three word phrases, since competition for one-word keyphrases is fierce, and it is virtually impossible to get a top position for them.  That is why, from now on, we will talk about keyphrases, not keywords.  Once you have developed your list of potential keyphrases you are ready for the next step: to analyze the demand and supply for those keyphrases, and choose the best ones (those with good demand and not enough supply).

We will first check the demand for your selected keyphrases. For this, we will go to Overture's Search Term Suggestion Tool Or go to Google Keyword Suggest

You will then type each of the keyphrases you selected, and see how many people search for those terms. In addition to telling you if your selected keyphrases are popular, this tool will show you other keyphrases that you may not have thought about, which may even be more relevant to your site.

For example, if your first keyphrase was "Italian Restaurant", the Search Term Suggestion Tool will also display other popular search terms, like: "Gourmet Italian Restaurant", "Northern Italian Restaurant", "Italian Restaurant Pizzeria", "Italian Restaurant Miami", etc.  You may also try other keyphrases, for example: "Italian Cuisine", and come up with more specific keyphrases, like: "Fine Italian Cuisine", "Italian Cuisine Miami", "Northern Italian Cuisine", "Italian Cuisine Fine Dining", "Gourmet Italian Cuisine", etc.

What you have done is to validate and enlarge your pool of popular, in-demand, potential keyphrases for your web page. The next step is to check the supply, or, in other words, to see how much competition there is for your selected keywords.  Naturally, you want to focus on keyphrases where competition is less fierce. For example, choosing "Italian Restaurant" alone will certainly hurt you.  There are so many of them that your chances of showing up in an advantageous position within the search results are pretty slim.
Having said that, get your list of keyphrases, go to Google and type-in each of them in the search box.  Enter your keyphrases within quotation marks (to filter-out less relevant results), and see how many results each individual query produces, making a note of those with a relatively small number of results (less competition). You will stick with the keyphrase that:

1.    Best describes the topic and content of your page
2.    Is a popular search term according to Overture's Search Term
Suggestion Tool or Google Keyword Tool.
3.    Generates a relatively small number of results after performing the Google search.

If "Gourmet Italian Restaurant" is the keyphrase that best meets these three criteria, it will become your primary keyphrase. To get even better results, you can choose a second keyphrase to make your page more relevant to an even more specific niche. For example, if your restaurant is in Miami, you can consider "Miami" a second keyphrase.  Once you have chosen the keyphrases for you homepage, do the same for the other pages on your site.

After this, you will take your selected keyphrases and optimize your pages heavily for them.  This involves placing them in strategic locations in the title, headings and body of each page, as we will see in Part II: Web Page Optimization.

PART II: Web Page Optimization

Once you have chosen your keyphrases, the next stage is to optimize your page for those keyphrases. You do that by positioning your keywords in strategic locations within your page. What follows is a checklist of tips and steps you must follow to optimize your page:

•    Keyphrases in the web page title:
o    Create a descriptive title for your page:  Your web page
title is very important because it is what the search engines display as link text as the result of a search. The title must include your main keyphrases, while at the same time it must describe your business very well and should entice readers to click on it.
o    Unless your business is big and well known don't start your page title with the name of your company. Start your title with the words search engine users will most likely use (your keyphrases)
o    Put your main keyphrase at the beginning of your page title (keyphrase prominence) and keep your keyphrase together (keyword proximity).
o    Put your second keyphrase somewhere else in the title.
o    Make the title short (8 words or less).
•    Keyphrases in your Keyword Meta Tag:   Search engines rarely use the Keyword Meta Tag any more (Google completely ignores it). However, place a list of your main and secondary keywords in the Keyword Meta Tag of your page, just in case search engines decide to use them again in the future.
•    Keyphrases in your Description Meta Tag: The Description Meta Tag is still important, since some search engines use them to elaborate on the results link.   Remember to:
o    Include your keyphrases (main and secondary) in your Description Meta Tag.
o    Make your description 'descriptive', concise and professional. Avoid using hype.
o    Make it short (25 words or less). o    Don't make your description sound just like a collection of keywords.
o    Keep your keyphrases together.
•    Keywords in the body of your page: It is important to use your keywords heavily on your page, since this will help the search engine determine the topic of your page.  Follow these tips as much as possible, since they will help search engines determine your page's relevance to your chosen keyphrases:
o    Use your keyphrases several times, and place them as close to the top of the page as possible.
o    Place your keyphrases between Header Tags (H1, H2 or H3) in the first two paragraphs of your page.
o    Place your keyphrases in bold type phase at least once.
o    Repeat your keyphrases often to increase your keyphrase density. Repeating your keyphrases between 5 to 10 times for every 100 words in your page is considered effective.
o    Since you have to repeat your keyphrases often, you must be especially careful not to make your text sound awkward. Your visitors should be able to read your page fluently and effortlessly. Remember that ultimately it is your readers who will decide if your page is worth the time they spend on it. A pleasant experience will make them more likely to come back.
•    Other Web Page Design Considerations:
o    You must make your page easy to navigate by the search engines. Search engines heavily favor text over graphics, and HTML over other editing formats.
o    Use text heavily, especially in your navigation bar. Avoid placing text in graphic format since the search engines won't be able to read it.
o    Avoid frames. Search engines have trouble following them, and they may index only the framed content page and not the navigation frame.
o    Avoid Flash and [removed] search engines don't follow either one. If you use flash, make an HTML version of your site available to your readers and the search engines. If you use a JavaScript navigation menu, include an alternate text menu at the bottom of the page, so it can be followed by the search engines.
o    Create a Site Map that includes all the pages in your site, and place a Site Map link close to the top of the homepage. When the search engine follows the site map link, it will find and index all the pages in your site!
o    If you use a left navigation bar, the search engine will read it before the body of your page. Make sure you include your most important keywords there, too.
o    Make sure that all your internal pages link to your homepage.
o    Don't try to describe all your products or services in one page. It will confuse the search engine and dilute your page's relevance to your selected keyphrase. Instead, create different very focused pages, each with its own content and keyphrases, and optimize them too.

This is pretty much all you have to do to make sure that your page is optimized for your chosen keywords. The next and final step to increase your site's ranking is to get as many links to your site as possible, from quality sites that have a topic related to yours. This is what we will see in Part III: Off-Site Factors.

Part III: Off Page Factors

Once you have selected your keyphrases and optimized your pages for them, the last step is to make sure that you get linked from the best directories, and from lots of quality sites with a topic related to your site's. The best search engines, and in particular Google (who alone can deliver 80% of the search engine traffic to your site) "crawl" the web looking for links to your site.  They interpret a link to your page as a vote, and the more links (votes) you have coming from quality sites the higher your page rank will be, and the higher the possibility that your page will achieve a good position in the search results pages.  It's that simple.  Following these four steps is the best way to get the quality links you need:

1.    Get listed in DMOZ: The Open Directory Project is the world's largest directory. It is maintained by voluntary editors who review your site prior to inclusion. Being listed in this directory is important because it is used by Google and America Online to build their directories. Getting listed is free, but it may take a few weeks or even months to get listed, which can be a bit frustrating. However, there is a strong believe among search engine optimization experts that an Open Directory Project listing can significantly increase your page rank in Google, so you must take the time to submit your site and do it right (list your site in the right category and strictly follow their submission guidelines).

2.    Get listed in Yahoo!:  Submissions to Yahoo! are no longer free for commercial sites (your site can be reviewed in about a week for a fee of $299 although inclusion in the directory is not guaranteed.  However, if you do get accepted, the $299 fee will be due every year if you want your site to continue to be listed). A link from Yahoo�s directory is still one of the best links you can get, and it is worth the money you spend getting listed.

3.    Submit articles: There are many sites where you can publish articles in your field of expertise. This is a great way to establish yourself as an expert and to drive quality traffic to your site. The key is to include your resource box at the end of your article. A resource box is a small paragraph with a brief description of you and your business, where you include a link to your site. This way, every time somebody picks up your article and publishes it in their website or newsletter, your link will be there for readers and search engines to see and follow.

4.    Exchange links with reputable sites: You must try to find quality sites that are compatible to your site's topic (not direct competitors), and ask the webmaster for a link exchange. This will give you highly targeted traffic and will improve your score with the search engines. If you liked this article and feel inclined to learn more about Search Engine Optimization, you may want to check out SIB Infotech

Thank you Friends for reading this post if you have any question Please feel free to comment and keep visiting my Blog.