How To Choose A Unique Blog Name

A lot of people and businesses want to get into blogging to gain more online exposure but choose a blog name that is not very relevant to what they are doing.  In this article, you are going to learn how to come up with a great creative blog name so that you can stand out from the rest and be unique!  It's important to think about exactly what your intent and desired outcome is for your blog before getting started. 

Get Clear On The Intention And Purpose Of Your 

You really need to think about "why" you want to start a blog and "what" you want to accomplish.  Write down what your vision is and how you think having your own blog will impact your business or personal affairs.  Be as specific as possible so that you know what both your short term and long term goals are.

This will help you get clear on what you want to obtain and help you choose a relevent domain name for your blog.

Choosing A Creative Blog Name

Now that you are clear about the purpose of your blog and what you want to achieve, you can start thinking about names that are related.  You can write down a list of potential names and use a tool like Domain Tools to see which ones are available.  I like to use their "bulk check" tool to analyze several domain names at once.

Usually you want to find something that nobody else has a domain name for yet (.com, .net, .org, etc) so that it's completely unique to you.  Typically you will want to register a .com domain name but it all depends on what the intent of your blog is.  

If you are promoting a particular product or service you can do some keyword research using the Google Adwords Tool or something similiar and come up with a list of potential blog names.

Other Methods - Creative Blog Name Generator

I kind of like doing the manual method I explained above but there are several creative blog name generator tools out there that you can use to search for a good name as well.  These tools may be very benificial especially if you are looking for a keyword specific blog name or plan on creating several sites.

You can use a combination of blog name generators, keyword research, and your own ideas to find a great site name as long as you are clear about your vision and purpose.

Enjoy Friends......!


  1. Good tips to choose a unique domain name for our blog. But the sad part is almost every good domain names have been already taken. Luckily not all the already taken domain names are been used. Most of them have been kept parked for sale. In such case interested people can contact the current domain name holder and make a bargain and buy their own interested domain name for their blog. The contact details of a domain name holder can be obtained by having a whois lookup at :-)
