Facebook Tips For Your Fan Page

Facebook fan pages are an extremely good way of getting the word about your product or service out there.

Due to the fact that you can add more than just an affiliate link to your fan page Facebook allows you to advertise affiliate links through a Facebook page. If you were to try to simply use a cloaked affiliate link your pay per click advert would still be declined as in many cases an actual person reviews the website that you are advertising.
To make an effective Facebook fan page there are a few simple tips that you can follow which will have people clicking through and 'liking' your product or website.

Having people 'like' your website or service is a great source of traffic as when they click 'like' it will show on their wall and status update which will advertise the fact to all of their friends.

Without further ado here are my 3 simple tips for a great Facebook fan page.

1. Make The Graphics Attractive!

I wish I could stress this enough but in all honesty I can't. Making your Facebook fan page attractive is extremely important, in many cases more so than your actual website.

The reason for this is that Facebook is a community based social network which means that everybody is thinking about what other people are thinking about them.

If the graphics on your Facebook fan page are garbage and the posts being put on it are ridiculous then someone isn't going to 'like' it simply because their first question will be 'what will my friends think?'

If you lack the Photoshop skills to create great graphics then ask one of your friends or do a Google search for freelance graphic designers who could create some quality graphics for you.

It might cost you a little bit but it will be worth it in the end due to the massive exposure you'll get through your Facebook fan page.

2. Make the Posts Interesting.

This should be a no brainer but in many cases people will just post anything that comes to mind. It is good to have freedom in your posts because the page is well...yours but considering the fact that what you want is a great number of 'likes' then making your posts as informative and entertaining as possible is what you really want to do.

Simply ask yourself what kind of posts would make you want to keep coming back to the fan page and make those kinds of posts.

New videos about your niche are a sure fire way to get people coming back. Another way is placing links to the latest article on the best magazine site in your niche.

3. Use Everything at Your Disposal.

When you've made your Facebook fan page then what you'll want to do is use all your other social networking accounts to link to it.

Write a tweet about every new wall post. Digg the new wall posts. Write articles and post them to article directories. Blog about it. Make a post in a forum about your new Facebook fan page or amazing new update that teaches people about your niche.

Simply use everything at your disposal to get people going to your page and clicking that 'like' button.

It may seem like this is a lot to do but in honesty if you're interested in your niche then this all will be a breeze.

If you'd like some more information on Facebook marketing and other internet marketing tips a great resource I'd recommend is Samantha Sane's MMO Blog.

Thanks for reading and have a great day.keep visiting my blog for more tips and tricks.


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