Making Money Writing: Short Term vs. Long Term

Our world has become this interconnected system which seems to rely more heavily on the internet everyday. It has gone so far as to tell aspiring authors that they should simply self publish their work online through publishing sites like Barnes & Noble or Amazon. So what does this mean for writers? It means that writing online has grown and is still growing to the point where you can really make money by jotting down a few well thought out words onto a computer.

There is however a catch, there are two (general) ways to start making money as a writer online. First, you can be in it solely for the money and so you write for short term gains. The other obviously being the dedicated writer who will eventually make more money over a longer span on time.

Making Money Short Term
This is an "instant results" method. Basically how this works is that you find a site in which their philosophy is to promote profits as a writer. A site that I have found particularly useful for this method is Bubblews. The afformentioned is a writing community that is based heavily on interaction. The good thing about this philosophy is that it fosters meeting other writers and sharing ideas, experiences, and knowledge. Why this site is a short term money making site is because they pay you a penny for every view, like, dislike, and comment you recieve on your articles. Though this seems like a slow method, it starts right away. There is no need to get Adsense or be an Amazon Affiliate to begin to see money build up in your bank.

The money begins the moment someone clicks to view your post and will continue until you stop getting views. I caution you that short term money will hardly be able to cover your day to day needs, but it is merely there for some extra pocket change. The minimum cash out is $25, and so you can see where the standards lay.

A second short term method is freelance writing for companies that pay writers to write articles based on certain topics they need written about. Often times you will be required to write about topics that you have no background on, or that you have no interest in. However you want to reach your paycheck so you research and write anyway.

The thing about making money short term is that I sometimes see it as selling out as a writer. You become less devoted to writing and more devoted to making money, but of course if you can rid yourself of this curse than I see no problem with diving into this method as it will reel you in some money.

Making Money Long Term
This is (almost) every online blogger's dream, to start profitting from their hard work writing well crafted content and sharing them in all the right places. Blogging is not an easy task. It takes chops as a writer, and a lot of patience to finally begin making some money. This is not meant to scare you off because there have been many extremely successful bloggers who make six figures a year, others that make enough to splurge a little when shopping once a month.

So how do you go about making money long term? First of all, you really need your own domain if you want to attract a larger audience. You can use a blogging platform service (Wordpress, Blogger, etc.) to help you out with all the coding that happens behind the scene, but your domain is worth all that and maybe more. If you're worried about never getting the money to pay back your investment in a domain, you can simply use the short term method and generate a slow but useable $25 a month to fund your campaign.

Once you have your domain, it is time to start writing content rich articles under your blog. It is important that you have a niche for your blog, this allows others the opportunity to know what they might read about when they return. You will attract people with similar interests and who knows, you might even attract a large company who wants to buy out your blog. That would be the ideal scenario if you want to profit large from your writing.

It should be noted though that making money this way takes a lot and a lot of patience. You cannot expect your viewer base to jump to 100 000 a day within your first week. It takes a lot of (social) networking, methods such as search engine optimization (SEO), guest blogging on larger blogging sites, etc. If you do well though in all of these things, you will reap the rewards in the future.

Though the writing universe has crept onto the online world so quickly, you shouldn't be fooled into thinking that it is anywhere near a cakewalk to earn money this way. Even in the short term methods, you may only start making about $25 a week (working hard) leading to a passive $25 a month.

Do not however let money get in the way of your writing identity. Even if a blog doesn't generate the revenue you want it to, you can really express your complete thoughts and opinions that way and they will belong to you. But as a side note, you can use short term method sites to indirectly promote your long term blog; vice versa. This is help maximize the amount of money you generate and leave you with extra money in your bank.

Thanks For Reading.


  1. I made $20 for each 20 minute survey!

    Guess what? This is exactly what big companies are paying me for. They need to know what their customer needs and wants. So large companies pay $1,000,000's of dollars each month to the average person. In return, the average person, like myself, fills out surveys and gives them their opinion.
