Ways To Make Money With Squidoo: How To Make Squidoo Your Non-Stop Money making Machine

Are you an enthusiast or expert on a certain subject?  Are you willing to share your knowledge to the world?  How about making money online while sharing your passion to the world?  Squidoo makes all this possible.

In this article, you will discover what Squidoo is, what cool features and benefits it has, and most importantly, the fun and effective ways to make money with Squidoo.

Ready?  Let's begin

What Is Squidoo

Squidoo is a content-sharing site built as a way for people to share their knowledge, opinion, or expertise to the world.  As the founder and bestselling author Seth Godin believes, "Everyone's an Expert".  Thus, Squidoo is designed as a way to express that know-how.

A Squidoo page is called a lens. It's quite similar to blogs, where people can publish their ideas for the online world to see. These lenses provide a way for people to see the world and thus improve their lives. The maker of a squidoo lens is called a lensmaster or a squid.

Because each lens contains a single theme or idea, Squidoo is currently holding on to almost a million pages for every nick and cranny ideas to help people find the things they need and want. The articles are so helpful and popular that Squidoo is profiled in CNN, The Washington Post, The New York Times and MSNBC.

The popularity of Squidoo is increasing at a rapid rate. When searching for anything on the internet these days you will find Squidoo lenses ranking high in the search engines, and the reason for that is because the search engines love Squidoo.  That is great news for you as someone who publishes content i.e lenses on their site because you will not have a hard time achieving high rankings and in the end making money with Squidoo.

Most importantly making money with Squidoo is free and easy when you follow a simple system. You start off with finding a niche and a product in that niche or by just picking a product in an industry you like. After that you just need to complete a couple of steps that will help the rankings of your lenses and that's basically it. The only part of the systems that could be a bit challenging for you in the beginning is writing high quality content.

You may have heard the saying before "Content is King" and that is because the higher the quality of your content is the more visitors it will essentially attract and in turn make you more money. When creating high quality content you should write on very specific topics because when you write on general topics you will have an extremely hard tie ranking in the search engines and that is due to the very tough competition.

Now that you understand that part it is important that you implement certain technique which will help your lenses to rank high in the search engines because no matter how good your content is if it doesn't appear anywhere in the search engines than no one is going to be able to see it.

The technique that you need to implement is very simple, you basically need to create free blogs, rss feeds, articles on various article directories, and post on forums and link from all those sites to your Squidoo lens. By doing all that you will have a lens that is generating traffic and making sales.

This is one of the best free methods of making money online. It is perfect for those who are just starting in internet marketing or have very little experience; it doesn't require you to be technical or anything just to follow a few simple steps. All of this information can be found on the internet for free but you would spend a lot of time "putting it all together", and  besides that there are a lot of little details in this system that I'm talking about or better to say course that you won't find easy for free.

Features And Benefits Of Squidoo

1) Free to Join

Squidoo is free for anyone to join and publish their content. Since there are a number of ways to make money with squidoo, online entrepreneurs use it to promote their own products and affiliate programs, and earn royalties from Squidoo (more about this later).

2) Easy to Use

You don't need to have any technical skills to create a squidoo lens. It is very user-friendly. There might be a bit of a learning curve when you're starting out, but you can easily create a lens within minutes once you get the hang of it.

3) Easy to Link to Other WebPages

There's no limit as to how many links and promotions you can include in your squidoo lens, although it is recommended to strike a good balance between providing useful content and advertisements.

Squidoo is also more lenient compared to other popular content-sharing sites, such as Hubpages. When using Hubpages, you may only include up to 2 links from the same domain, and their community discourages you to be overly promotional. 4) Fan Club

An internet entrepreneur could build an army of fans using Squidoo. If your articles are helpful enough, it will boost your reputation as an expert in your niche.  It would then be easier for you to make money with Squidoo, because your fan club will be more targeted and responsive.

How To Write Content For Your Squidoo Lens

If you are not an expert, but know of an easier way to do things than most people do, that knowledge alone is precious in Squidoo. You may write a simple article that you are comfortable sharing, and this is already a good lens.
If you are merely promoting your affiliate products, you can create a good quality review of your product and create a squidoo lens for it.

There are a number of ways to make money with Squidoo.  They include:

1) Popularity

The more people reading your content, the easier it is for you to make money with Squidoo.

You can make your lenses popular by using Squidoo's "proximity effect."  That means you can expose your lens to several other pages with a similar theme.

2) Your Products Or Affiliate Products

You may include links to your own sites, affiliate promotions, blogs, or other webpages you want. And because squidoo lenses get high search engine rankings, you could reach more people with your offers.

3) Squidoo Royalties

Squidoo royalties come from the Amazon, eBay or CafePress modules that run in your lens. You also earn a share of the Adsense revenues being placed on your lens.

The annual royalties received by Squidoo from the lenses in its portfolio are divided into three.

Squidoo keeps 45% for expenses and other requirements of the website.

5% immediately goes to a charity.

The final 50% is for the lensmasters. The 50% share of the lensmaster may go to him or donated to his charity of choice.
 Almost 35% of lensmasters in Squidoo gives their share to their chosen charity. This is a clear indication that many lensmasters are publishing their articles not only for the money, but also for sharing their expertise and improving the lives of people from all over the world.

While some do share their earnings to charity, many at-home moms and online entrepreneurs make good money with Squidoo. You could earn hundreds, or even thousands, of dollars a month from the various income sources in your lenses.

Most of all, it's free! You are free to share your expertise and earn money from Squidoo. And the public can find free information within the wide portfolio of useful lenses.

Take advantage of the more than 400,000 visitors Squidoo receive on a day-to-day basis. Now that you have discovered proven ways to make money with Squidoo, there's no reason to procrastinate. Create some lenses now, have fun, and make lots of money!

Thank you Friends for reading this post and keep visiting my blog daily for more tips and tricks.


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