Using Php to Populate a Drop Down List Box From a Mysql Database Table

Quite often when you are developing web sites or applications it is necessary to create a drop down list box that contains entries from, for example, a MySQL database table. You can, of course, hard code the items in the drop down list box, but this isn't really very elegant, and can create problems if the entries in the database table change at a later date. It is much better to extract the entries from the database table directly and then populate the drop down list box using those entries.

Creating the database table

The following script, database-table.sql, could typically be used to create a database table (called 'years') that contains, for example, a list of years. These will be the entries that appear in the drop down list box.


create table years
(  yearID integer auto_increment,
   year varchar(30),
   primary key (yearID)

insert into years (yearID, year) values ('1', '2007-2008');
insert into years (yearID, year) values ('2', '2008-2009');
insert into years (yearID, year) values ('3', '2009-2010');
insert into years (yearID, year) values ('4', '2010-2011');
insert into years (yearID, year) values ('5', '2011-2012');
insert into years (yearID, year) values ('6', '2012-2013');

The following PHP script (populate-list.php), which in a real-life situation would form part of a form, will extract all the entries from the 'years' database table, and use them to populate the drop down list box.


Drop Down List Box

If the entries in the database table change at some stage in the future, those changes will be automatically reflected in the drop down list box in the form, making maintenance very straight forward.

Thanks For Reading.


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